Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Must be a lot of lucrative state contracts to be handed out for this roll out. I imagine the delay is to enable the usual suspects to get their greedy hands in the trough.

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That is a very likely outcome.

Well John, Mick here, you know your company that specialises in vaccine administration training?


Well, you’ve 3 days to get one setup.


Ah sure it’ll all come out in a tribunal in 10 years, but as you pointed out we know its happening

That’s most likely it.

This delay is vexing the hell outta me

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What are you surprised about, noone under 30 or hardly under 40 gives a fuck about covid. The fatality rate for that age group is miniscule. I’m going to a big NYE party.


There are raves happening every weekend in Dublin, organised by foreigners.

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You are easily vexed.

I fear for you tbh.

A despicable ‘country’… But their numbers are impressive. They’re aiming high… We’re not aiming at all.

You’re an idiot then. With all due respect. I can’t think of any other words.


The UK will be fully opened up for Cheltenham and there will be nothing to stop hoards of Irish, starved of racing for a year, from heading over.

They’re you go now… The fact they can vaccinate 250k in a week has been blown apart by an original thought on the internet. All other points are moot .

It’ll drive the usual suspects demented

You are in your shite. You’ll be glued to tick tock and Twitter while sat alone in your apartment.

The UK will surely try curtail this seeing as we’ll only have nursing homes completed by that stage?


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Ah I’m zen bro. I never thought I’d see the day in here, but these are strange times I guess.

You’re devoid of objective thinking, that’s all.

The gaffer is back and the TV has been SENTENCED TO DELETION.

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