Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Israel have done 250k in a week… And our lot are bleating on about 20k a week (Monday to Friday)

Christ :roll_eyes:

A lot of it is mental pal. Keep the head up until you get the result. When ingot a text of a potential contact I immediately felt sick, full hypochondriac mode. Once I took my mind off it it was fine. When I got the negative result I felt instantly better. Hopefully its all the same for you. Hang in there it is stressful

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Israel! Israel! Israel!

They are aiming to be FINISHED in March

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[quote=“Tim_Riggins, post:7848, topic:32685”]
The virus is rampant again in the community. [/quote]

Whose fault is that?

You would think that there is logistics experts on this country and maybe some in pharma? Or did they pick some civil servant who organises to get the ESB vans washed and is counted as logistics?

With a population of 8.8 million not much more than the island of Ireland.

At that rate it will take over 4 years to vaccinate the whole country.

Note the use of the words “up to”. That’s a favourite of mine to use when I need to bullshit.

And are we not supposed to be taking delivery of 40,000 from some point in January? Are we gonna leave the 20,000 sitting there?

It’s only a few days after everyone else, we have complex consent issues, yada yada, excuses, excuses, excuses. Do me a fucking favour.

I really hope there’s a proper inquiry into all of this when it’s over, what did they do to expand ICU capacity after the first lockdown, did we even try track & trace or was it easier to just blame whatever section of society fucked up on social media that week. We should get some retired judge from England to do it so it’s done properly.


In fairness, if you actually read the article it says exactly that. The numbers vaccinated per week in January will rise to 30,000 and then 40,000 depending on supply arriving as planned.

40000 doses is enough for 20,000 people.

I’m not interested in reading all the facts, thank you very much. I’m freezing in a playground and I want to vent.


We’re all about the Israelis now, is that the new thing?

You should tweet that.

An army nation worth looking up to now apparently.

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Well done on posting that in a playground pal.

I’m sitting here enjoying a coffee while the sprogs launch into their 3rd hour of screen time.


I presume they’re helping out the Palestinian fellas too

Vaccinated already and Xmas bonuses paid into their Social Welfare accounts.

I like to really ramp up the screen time this time of year just to keep the crèche staff on their toes in early January.

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Hearing of house parties all over the place. One guy telling me he was invited by a girl he knew to an Xmas Eve party in Ranelagh. She has asthma. He declined to go. She went, caught Covid and is now on a ventilator in HDU.

The sheer stupidity of individuals is astounding. And most of these simpletons are under 30.

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