Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Some lads do that’s for sure

For my pleasure?

It seems the lads who are stuck in doors minding the childer are cracking first.

The driver has gone back to the UK unfortunately.

And that’s okay too. They’ve had a hard time of it. No need to judge anyone. I’d hate to have a small child nowadays and fuck all end in sight.


Didn’t even know this was in play that the schools would close at 2.5k cases

Teachers always looking for the way out.

Theres one thing about being responsible and taking care and being OIUTF. Lets be realistic about it and common sense driven. Some people are OTT caught in the near and looking to poit fingers.

OIUTF isn’t about being reckless, isolate of sick or awaiting a test is responsible, washing hands wearing mask is responsible regardless if you think its a cod, its a small consession. Anyone knowing they have it and driving on is some clown. Questioning the measures is needed still

Vaccinator is Orwellian shite too. Any GP, pharmacist or nurse can administer a vaccination.


Just do your own bit. That’s all anyone’s asking of you.


I emailed Mr Donnelly offering my services.

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Yup thats the way I carry on

A dog with a mallet up his hole could give a vaccine. It’s as complex a task as picking your nose.


Someone in the HSE or government just needs to exercise personal responsibility to open the vaccination boxes and get started.


There’s a few lads on here if you asked them to pick their nose they’d stick their finger up their arse first.

Cc @TreatyStones

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Lock it down

The govt and HSE are incompetent when faced with any project above remedial level. Look at the children’s hospital. If you tasked anyone in tfk or Twitter to design the most expensive hospital ever built most would succeed.


You can say one thing for the Israelis, when they put their mind to something they get it done.