Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Has Ewan factored in bank holidays there? We won’t be doing it on bank holidays

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Man marking… That’s it there. You ask a simple question about how another similar sized country can roll out 250k vaccinations in a week and instead of tackling the question they instead attempt to ridicule the country in question or aspects of it’s history…
That’s the kind of closed mind you are up against in this country…they take their cue (cc @flattythehurdler) from the top and the top only.


To quote the great Mary Wilson: “maybe we are right and all the other countries are wrong?”


Heres the thing that bugs me the most, we knew a vaccine was realistically coming by EoY in September. Plans for the mass vaccination program should have been made then to hit ambitious targets like Israel and UK have. Put as much resources needed to hit those and let the vaccine supply be the constraint. We have some of the best logistics and shipping experts in ireland. Its part of the reason why we are a manufacturing powerhouse worldwide for our size. Instead we have photo opertunitistic politicians and government mouth pieces barking down on people who question the logic they are following. What they have got right is the order of priority, the roll out plan is a disaster


But but but we have a forklift, 2 boxes and a fridge.

Are you new to the country? We don’t act, we react … so it has been and so it ever will be.

The country is run by civil servants counting down the years to their pension… That’s why we don’t act, there’s no will or desire to… They’ll be paid no matter what happens.


They’ll have to move the boxes

Nail on the fucking head

Lads need to realise we’re in the middle of an out of control pandemic. Just be patient & practice personal responsibility.

Not sure if serious :thinking:

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That’s it.

“Most countries have already started and have set targets higher than us.”

“Oh I see you’re a supporter of the regime in Israel now and they ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.”

Diversionary bollox and guff.


Eh… that’s why people are annoyed that the vaccine is sitting in a warehouse


Lads don’t want to hear this. They want to rant. Which is grand. They should be allowed to once it keeps them on an even keel where it needs to.

Its as reputable a source as the irish Times i heard

It’s hard to tell sometimes

Weren’t the IT OIUTF up to recently?

Of the 1866 deaths up to midnight of the 12th of this month. 37 (2%) had a BMI over 40

I’m swinging based on twitter. LiTDF 4 life. We need to be oppressed to suppress the killer virus.

This is it, pal. You’re so articulate, you manage to put into words what I am thinking.

They’ve now spouted some guff about doing the first few vaccines a day early and how they want them to be in a medical setting in case anything goes wrong. So essentially they’re saying everyone else is being reckless for ploughing on and a single day of jabbing whoever happens to be hanging around a random hospital will be sufficient testing to ensure we can plough on the next day.

I’m furious here.

