Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The lads will be on any minute talking about Holohan finding 500 cases down the back of the couch.

Hahahaha. Ha.

Hooli said they were only low because no one is turning up for testing. He also said he had lost the remote control for his sky box and would looking down the back of his couch for it later.


There’s now a back log of around 1,000 swabs, that means tomorrow nights figure will be huge

They’ll want to have a few scary figures pre New Years

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They’re hoping for full Level 5 by January 2nd I’d say.

Il go over to england and get the jab next year. They’ll be fully done by easter and willing to give poor paddy a jab for £100> Be waiting all year for the Irish to get their act together . 40,000 a week ! Is useless

There was lots of talk in October about the Galway Nursing Home where 26 of the 28 residents tested positive for Covid. Iv been told by 2 different sources in recent days that 3 of them residents have since died. Great credit must be due to the nursing staff for keeping the deaths so low, I’d expected it to be much worse.

Sure Healy Rae will be budding people up to Belfast,why don’t you jump on with him.I won’t be taking any jab anyways.

The brits aren’t happy about a 150k vaccines a day. We are delighted with 2k a day.

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Money is no object as I said yesterday I won’t be waiting for our government to do fuck all . Iv covid already

Why do you need the jab so?

I laugh at these people who think the army are worth a fuck.

I can get it again in 6 months I won’t be immune for life . And I want to give my nanna a hug .

Sure if she gets it you won’t need to


It’s only 95% effective sure . Can’t roll any dice with her life.if I got the russian jab now I’d inject myself with it . Good as any .

You need to relax

I’d say missing your hug made an absolute fuck of her Christmas…



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