Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Cheap shots from another cunt here .

That was just one shot, but he made it count

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Ah his not that funny , has a few bots who like him tho .

Post reported. @bandage time to drop the hammer here. This can’t be tolerated.

A headshot if you will

He was making fun of you not your granny mate

He hit him so hard he doesn’t know what’s happened

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It’s ok for him to have a cut at my nanna , his a fucking piece of shit . Fucking rat cunt

You’ve got a terrible attitude lad,what’s the problem

You liked his sick post too

His in and out like a coward can’t stay to answer for his sick way . I believe in karma . he’ll get his back ten fold .

The worst of tfk on display here. Some low blows

Ah here he is

Il have the last laugh . Let karma deal with that nasty man

You making fun of people waiting for tests yesterday you wha.

I’d say you’d be safe enough giving her a quick hug. No slipping the tongue this year though.


Nothing sick about it.

I was actually trying to stick up for you there.

There is an actual want in you

Have you lost the bit of wit you might have had earlier?
Either message boards are for you or not. You need fresh air, your Nanna is no doubt the soundest, it’s you who may not be.

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Hes still rocked from that belt earlier. A very angry man is our @bill