Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Very clearly explained too.

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I was told just there of a fella called @bill who has covid

A mate of mine was nominated as a contact (though he wasn’t even in the presence of the confirmed case without a mask), got a test, negative, but still told he has to restrict movements for two weeks. Pure bull.


Myself the missus and youngest were tested today if negative we have to self isolate for 14 days 10 days if positive. Eldest tested positive Christmas Day and will be out the gap next Monday :man_shrugging:

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Sigh. Closing the gyms in January is a real bummer.

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Was he in the presence of the confirmed case with a mask?

:clap: :clap:

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He’s full of shit, the Sligo gimp.
It’s soft living. Obesity and it’s related diseases.
Lads of your grandfathers generation would shrug it off in a day, a nuisance.

Whatever about the non-essential retail, pubs etc I think closing the gyms is a poor move for any health service

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Maybe it’s the sleep deprivation and a bit of an emotional rollercoaster over the past day talking here but, I am doing some maths in my head here and am actually feeling optimistic about things getting back to normal (and not “some sort of normality”) a little quicker than anticipated.

I think the HSE will be pressured to drastically ramp up it’s 40,000 doses/20,000 vaccination a week schedule quite quickly. There is also the prospect of the Moderna and AstraZenica vaccines coming down the tracks. I know little of the Moderna one, but I understand the AZ one is much easier to store and administer. We also have a load of it pre-ordered. That should bring our numbers much closer to 100k a week (I see no reason why we shouldn’t be aiming for that and more). We are getting that number with tests currently.

With a figure of 1.2 million mentioned as “vulnerable” (that figure is taken from a Ewan McKenna tweet so treat it as such), that would leave the entire vulnerable population of the country vaccinated in 12 weeks. With the AZ vaccine on the cusp of being approved, we could be back in business by April


The moment you can scoop at a bar counter without having to worry about ordering any food bollix is the moment you know we are free men again.


As they say in New Hampshire: “Live Free or Die”


fixed it for you

Nothing about the shocking vaccine program? Reactive not proactive

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34 people with Covid in ICU. With surge capacity there are 354 ICU beds.

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Is it 34 with covid + normal occupancy? It’s not 34 total

Yeah I edited it - 34 with Covid. That was over 150 in ICU with Covid in mid April

They shut down ancillary services then so it was pretty much covid only.

They’re hoping to absolutely avoid that again I’d imagine as that’s pretty much a failure if it gets to that stage again

Makes sense to try to keep that number as low as possible, no?

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Obesity is an offshoot of poverty or very low income in many cases. And/or poor education which is also an offshoot of socioeconomic disadvantages.