Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sounds like AZ is a while away from EMA approval sadly.

Personal responsibility?

Don’t worry about it mate, your brain is too tiny to understand.


I was brought up in object poverty, I’m not a fatty

Thanks for proving my point.

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Ye had no objects at all?

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I had none

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Any ideas?

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Thats staggering.

Social distancing and masks etc stopped the flu no doubt but why are the government reacting to covid with we have to protect the hospitals, when we see this every year?

Theres 30 odd in ICU despite restrictions. If there were no restrictions put an upper limit on it.

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I know it’s a tough ask but I wish idiots like him would stop thinking out loud. It just encourages others to do the same.

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I have to say that tweet is stark and you’d wonder why restrictions are so tough when health service capacity is in such rude health.

Against that you have this new strain that is going to infect us all double quick and they’re presumably scared shitless of that, and chastened by how quickly numbers shot up when they relaxed restrictions before Christmas (too early).

They also have the vaccine on the way too and the family of anyone that dies at this point might ask why in the name of fuck their family member was sacrificed for the sake of a few more weeks of restrictions. Government won’t want to be on the end of that question.

That was the worst that flu season had to throw at us. There is no upper limit on covid infections without immunity and it spreads faster than flu.

Waiting for higher deaths or ICU admissions to justify restrictions is a folly.

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Iv had the flu and I’m going through covid symptoms now , you’d take covid every day of the week and twice on a Sunday

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Maybe it wasn’t flu t’all sure. First wave of covid

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