Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You don’t need to know.

Oh I do

6 week complete lockdown to include schools. Back in a fish cake will be still in the classroom at the end of July as the year will be extended.

The seethe will be off the charts if they are slow with the vaccine while they shut down life

It’s probably over the Christmas.

It’ll result in a massive leap and restrictions will be knee-jerked in as a result without seeing what effect the current ones are having

Why don’t they just release these figures to the public rather than having backlogs from prior days?

That’s the million dollar question

Case numbers. What a monumental fraud of a carry on.

Enjoy the last of the mince pies while you can, the worry-ometer will be off the charts in about an hour

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Anarchy in the UK

Any word on cause of death?


The Brits won’t even need a vaccine. Most of them will have had it by the end of February.

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hup out of that Holohan, unreal figures, we have over fifty thousand here today, unreal, absolutely unbelievable. The stuff of wet dreams for the likes of Holohan and Chris Witty.


Level five is obviously not enough, absolutely savage restrictions are now required, I would double it, we are near a requirement for house arrest in Ireland

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how are the Irish geared up for online learning? a savage lockdown is now needed, so this need to be sorted before restricting people to their house 24/7

giphy (17)

"The world has hoped for herd immunity, that somehow transmission would be decreased if enough persons were immune,” he told the WHO’s final media briefing for 2020.

But Heymann, who is also an epidemiologist with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said the concept of herd immunity was misunderstood.

“It appears the destiny of SARS-CoV-2 [Covid-19] is to become endemic, as have four other human coronaviruses, and that it will continue to mutate as it reproduces in human cells, especially in areas of more intense admission."

Turns out the ‘Swedish’ approach was lethally daft. As any lay person with a jot of common sense and reasonable intellect could appreciate, allowing the virus free reign would strengthen it via mutations. The ideologues possess a cookie cutter solution for all complex problems. But then the cookie crumbles, on the science.

You would wonder.


What day will shops be closed? I need a pair of 38-32 bootcuts