Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The issue though isnā€™t just government imposed restrictions and their impact, itā€™s peoplesā€™ behavior. When knowledge of Covid spread back in February/March a lot of people changed their behavior before governments acted, as there was widespread fear back then of the disease. Two things have changed since then, younger demographics have lost that fear and have gone back to social behavior that spreads Covid, and in general people tire of restrictions and ignore them. Thatā€™s the battle governments are facing and there really isnā€™t any realistic way out of it short of imposing a police state.


Here we go for full Level 5 and school closures

I am not one of those daughter negative also wife still waiting on hers

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There are like ten people in hospital . Lads panicking.

The case figure today could be between 2 and 3k if the backlog is added in.

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If you take that vaccine you wonā€™t be ready for the big one

Thatā€™s class. A statement that is valid at any time.

A meteor could take us out either.

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Full level 5 from Friday

Does that mean 2,007 positive cases reported on the news today?

Yep, a clean break on January 1st. Called that to herself last week. Sheā€™s off for three days this week, and I said to her Iā€™d be surprised if she was going back in on Saturday

Will the keep schools open?

What was that tweet yesterday? 2.5k cases per day and they close?

Tony H likes this

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Not a chance weā€™ll hit 2.5, itā€™s fizzling out

What time period does this cover?

2012 to date.

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There was a backlog in the system as per Tony.

I just want to know what time period it covers is all