Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


George Lee is hearing “screaming alarm bells”.

McAlpine could have used ye for kango hammers.

So, again I ask. Why in that case are restrictions important?

So you can keep Jimmy from Wiltshire farm foods in a job


Have you any idea of how stupid a statement that one is?

George Lee pissing over any optimism relating to the vaccine here.

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Not a clue.

In what case?

Has Tony pulled the numbers out of his arse yet or adding them to the stockpile for the big one

1546 & 9 deaths

1546, 9 deaths

Approx 600 less than the positive swabs. Would it be safe to say there is around 1000 unannounced in last few days?

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A d another 1500 up north . Thank FFG for those numbers

Building up for a big announcement tomorrow ahead of new years eve id say and the full lockdown for two months.

Hope they keep the schools open at least.

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3000 stored up for new years eve


He should be cancelled, and I’m not saying that lightly.

What a cunt. Enjoying every minute of this scaring people out of their wits.


Apparently there is an issue in Limerick City area. Upwards of a 1000 close contacts between Dec 24th & 28th have been recognised and can’t be contacted.

Numbers will go mental if that is in fact true.

Utter nonsense, and proof positive that lay people such as yourself should desist from even mentioning the word science. Stick to subjects you know a little about, like whisky tasting and stick fighting.

A virus does not “strengthen” via mutations, that’s a daft and unscientific statement. It may become more transmissible or less, more virulent or less, or stay neutral. The process is random, the most likely outcome over time is higher transmissibility and lower virulence, as has happened with the four other coronaviruses mentioned by Heymann, and countless other viruses in human history. As is happening with SARS-2.

Building immunity to SARS-2 is the only way out of this, a combination of natural immunity and vaccination. A virus becomes less deadly over time as people develop at least some immunity to it. For example children that are exposed to SARS-2 are not getting sick, but they are developing immunity, so if they get infected with it in the future as adults they will have mild symptoms. Just like they build immunity to the common cold.

Also, Sweden did not adopt a “let it rip” strategy, stop lying. Their case numbers and death rates are lower than most of western Europe in this second wave, just as they were in the first wave. Countries that had hard lockdowns such as the UK, Spain, Italy, France are an absolute shitfest at present compared to Sweden. California had the earliest, strictest and longest lockdown in the US and is an absolute shitfest currently.

The only thing extended lockdowns accomplished was maintaining a large segment of susceptible people, most of whom would not even get sick from the virus. These are the same people now driving the second wave. The lockdown strategy was driven by morons, any person with a jot of common sense and reasonable intellect should appreciate that by now.


Enjoying it?