Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Not unlike half the lads on here for the past few days

Where you hearing that?

Look, fuck off back into the cookie jar. You are an idiot.

I would safely say the WHO honcho is rather better informed than you are. You appear to believe counting is thinking.

McAlpine, is right.

The WHO have been an absolute disgrace during this pandemic, even a moron like yourself should see that.


Stop flip flopping

Christ lads this upcoming lockdown has been on the cards for weeks.

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I reckon George is loving the limelight its giving him, that or he’s more deranged then I have down for.

Maybe its a combination of both.

Its grand announcing big numbers if they are accurate but holding out for a 3000 plus day which we are due is bollocks. If its 2000 for a few and its correct fair enough

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Where are you hearing that?

Total disaster obviously if its true.

Not just the city the adarw/rathkeale election area is one of the worst in the country

George had a relatively cushy number before COVID, you think he enjoys this shit?

In fairness the one thing the WHO have been throughout 2020 is inconsistent in their views publically.

Completely changed their views on masks and they also did similar with lockdowns. I’m sure you’re aware of that.

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Numbers are high you dimwit. Stop imagining scenarios that you’re dreaming up

Numbers are higher outside the city, with a higher incident rate. Both are bad

Why is that?

I think it is perfectly clear who is a moron in this area. Only someone who lives in a Mad Max fantasy world crossed with men’s shed indigestion could dismiss the WHO in that fashion. Their speaker made clear that allowing the virus free reign does not work from any angle. The idea that you know better is beyond risible.

On your lights, the UK should now be in a better position than the 26 Counties because, by your lights, doing less is better. I am talking about logic, the foundation of coherent thought. What the rate is in Germany or in Spain remains irrelevant. The UK did less for quite a while than the 26 Counties did. And now…? Are they better off?

You cannot think. Spouting data is not thinking. Cookie cutter shite fills the gap.

The bottom line is that lockdowns of some sort, while unfortunate, are necessary for the moment to prevent the medical system being overwhelmed. Bottom line. That you refuse to see this obvious reality says a great deal about your psyche but is nugatory about anything else.

Now, fuck off. Callous morons are like U2 records, unbearable the near side of intoxication.


Numbers are high everywhere. Testing can’t cope with amount being referred.

As I said above, schools will close with year being extended.

Non essential retail to close.

Debate on going about construction workers.

Interesting question, there is the obvious answer based around rathkeale but a lot of the towns around adare have had large clusters due to socialising. I am aware of around 10 cases due to this.

I think that greyness is called the real world – the real world in a pandemic with a new virus.

How does it smell in the men’s shed?