Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Kids like anything if it’s dressed up right

Schools shut here in March and they weren’t equipped to teach remotely. The government pretty much left the schools to get on with it. They cobbled together “something” but it was very patchy. I have two sons in the same school (a decent one) and one of them had a fairly full schedule and the other almost nothing. Primary school was almost non existent, the teacher marked pages in the books for us to cover with the youngest and for us to mail them copies of exercises etc. The main secondary school exams took place with a six week delay.

The schools opened as normal in September. The Government just told the schools to get on with it. No extra funding. Schools went online after seven weeks. The schools were better prepared this time and the lads have fairly full schedules. Primary stayed open for a month longer but they are also online now. It is impossible for a teacher to hold the attention of the kids on zoom or teams. They are just too young.

Equipment is a major problem. Not every kid has a laptop or they might have a poor internet connection. Poorer kids are missing out. I’ve managed to get some equipment donations from my place to some schools. Old machines recycled with new hard drives.

The kids are missing a huge amount from not having social interaction with their friends.


Nah just ‘serviced’

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A decent son like?

I see the INTO are out of the traps.

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How did the delivery job go? Will you keep the kids in the van while you’re minding them?


Another comedian

Ha ha ha.

All that roster sounds great. But what do you do when infection rates reach a certain level? Just keep going?

Do you believe in ‘herd immunity’?

You did not address my point about a de facto rolling lockdown, via close contacts, within a non lockdown.

I see the HSE are looking for volunteers to test the antigen tests. That’s hilarious. So it is.

I’ll have €20 on the eldest.

I suffered the indignity of being sent to Moyle Rovers GAA ground for a test on Stephens day. Bad enough having being sent for a test due to the inability of a young neighbour to keep his power dry a few days before Christmas but to be sent to Tipp for it bate all. Anyway I arrives at 1 o clock and not a sinner to be found in the place. About a quarter of an hour later a young army lad arrives on with about €40 worth of grub out of Supermacs in the Pajero. “They’re at the dinner” he roars out the drivers window. 4 testers insider at the dinner and the whole show shut down for an hour, what else would you expect. Anyway I boiled away in the car til 2 when out they came. The aul bitch couldn’t resist the “home of hurling dig” as she drove the yoke half way up into my brain. Anyway ne’er a sign of Covid with me and the young fella up the road looking to come down for bottles. Told him if I’d see him this side of Paddy’s day I’d drive a sprong up his hole


Post of the year :clap:

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You’ve been properly mugged off there.

you are assuming the test and result was accurate!

Why do I have visions of your wan off Kilanaskully shoving the swab down your nose with grease stained fingers?:rofl:

Fair fucks to her, she didn’t give you half enough of it.


Seems to be working in japan…though a healthy elderly population is probably a significant factor…high levels of vitamin d in particular.

Of course I believe in ‘herd immunity’

It’s very hard to know what to make of infection rates given that they’re based on a dodgy recently recalibrated pcr test and a redefinition of what constitutes a ‘case’.

Without openness regarding age, cause of death, ethnicity etc it’s hard to know what tony etc are at.

The continued use of lockdowns may have as much to do with an inability for any medical advisor or politician to address the greatest clusterfuck ever witnessed by humanity…letting the elderly die alone, the ruination of economies, starvation, suicide, inappropriate and often fatal use of ventilation, being led a merry dance by a few chinese lads with fake twitter accounts etcetc. All for a seasonal virus which probably isn’t any worse than than other worst flu years of the last 20 years…one which we’ve already witnessed waxing and waning with the seasons.



If you are going to make a claim that lockdowns “undeniably work” and lower case numbers, hospitalizations and deaths, then you have to back it up with evidence rather than stating it as fact.

The theory that western style lockdowns work appeals to the “common sense” idea that the spread of an infectious disease can be controlled by mass quarantine. The problem is that not alone has it never been seen in human history, in study after study the evidence is that lockdowns don’t help and opening up after lockdown doesn’t make things worse. There have been large scale studies done comparing US states and comparing European countries, and they all show the same results. Why that is is an entirely different question, and one I freely accept isn’t understood. There are a massive number of variables at play, but the conclusion is clear that western style lockdowns don’t work and persisting with them is insanity.

That’s before getting into all the other negative effects of mass lockdowns, the economic destruction, catastrophic drop in cancer screenings and treatment, impact on child development, domestic abuse and mental health, etc.