Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Utter rubbish, by any lights. You debase any nuanced points with such dangerous nonsense.

Try telling that rubbish to ‘long Covid’ sufferers all over the place. Or do you reckon they are all liars? Do you?

And, again, nothing about de facto rolling lockdown.

So you believe, in essence, nothing should have been done: ‘Move on, nothing to see but a flu.’

This craic is disturbing, Gemma O’Doherty type stuff.

And: why would the vulnerable need to be protected if this phenomenon is just another little flu… Mad.

But, yeah, you know best. The world has lacerated itself, socially and economically, because it could not see what some middle-aged men on an Irish discussion forum could see with their eyes closed.

Quite mad.


Science does not address “why” questions, nor is it concerned with belief. If you are interested in belief, religion is your man.

Developing immunity at the individual and societal level is the only way out of this, whether that immunity exists already as it does is many people, is developed by infection and recovery, or via a vaccine. Lockdowns are not just ineffective, they are also counterproductive as they maintain a large healthy population who have no immunity. The price of mass quarantine is what we are seeing now, individuals with weakened immune systems due to being locked up all summer and a wildly infectious virus at the worst possible time (winter).

Nobody is arguing social distancing should not be recommended, or events cancelled, or other sensible measures. The argument is with those who believe lockdowns work when the evidence is they don’t work, or at least confer no benefit.

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Pay 4k to kilmartin school in 6th year you’ll get 500 points . Let kids enjoy their childhood play with their toys not learning maths at home .

It’s not a little flu. It’s probably about as dangerous as the worst flu we haven’t locked down for previously.

No one seems to know much about long covid…but I still feel my lungs a bit from the flu I had in 2013, never really thought it worth mentioning tbh. I only know one person I know with long covid…if nothing else it’s taken her mind off her ME.


Looking forward to a snow day here in east Munster

I had a walk in test this evening in Peckham. They nearly drove out of my skull. They auld fucker drew blood. Its horrendous what they are doing to people. It’s the complete lack of humanity in the process that gets me

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Just what I said OIUTF, but with the vitamins, protection of the elderly etc

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We should throw the vaccine in the sea be rid of the thing

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I’ve a bit of a cough for 3 days, if this is covid its some joke

Never heard of him.

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I have never quite met obtuseness of this level.

Your tiny mind cannot seem to grasp that an infection level of a certain rate renders normal society, economically and every other way, impossible. The core point is not death rate. The core point is infection rate. You might not like this fact but dislike is no solvent for this fact. Your inability to grasp this crux, for a lad who appears to give a lot of time ‘reading’ in the area, evinces how in hock you are to a demented perspective.

Herd immunity is not achievable from any angle. To ‘achieve’ herd immunity would occasion, merely as a path, so much chaos as to negate any possible benefit. But other types of immunity are clearly all too easily achievable by sheer stupidity.

Do not reply to me again. Or I will use ‘ignore’. When I want to hear stupidity, I listen to the Ramones.

Music journo. Used to have a column in the Indo and Hot Press. He died.

You should probably look into getting a test. If it’s going to go pear shaped for you it will happen around around the 7 day mark.

Edit I see you’d did get a test, it’s hard to keep into this thread.

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Ya, you need to be sedated alright.

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You are nuts – actually nuts.


Again: why would the elderly need extra protection if we are seeing but a normal, run of the mill flu? Your own logic chokes itself at source.

People like you are dangerous. I suppose this whole dreadful time has provided certain clarifications.

I believe in karma. And karma will not be your friend for a long time and maybe forever.


Please point out where I said it was ordinary, run of the mill or little

I would have you down as a big Steinbeck fan, his character of Curley in Of mice and men is very relatable to you I would say, sexually repressed and full of anger, the stereotypical small man syndrome… id say you have a glove full of vaseline too.

I don’t read Jordan Peterson. Where did I claim countries that did “less” should be in a better position? The point I am making, and you spectacularly avoid, is that countries (and states in the US) that had stricter and longer lockdowns did no better, and in many cases worse.

There is no causal relationship between government mandated lockdowns and mortality outcomes. The two states with the strictest and longest lockdowns in the US are New Jersey and Michigan, the all cause excess mortality rate as of late November was 1,900 and 700 per million above the five year average. Sweden is 290.

So lockdowns work right? Do you also believe rain dances bring droughts to an end?