Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Stay safe.

What has Limerick to do with it?

Each can only do their own. A young lad bringing it back through reckless means to his grandfather should be shot in the face.

Juhy brought it to Limerick the bastard.

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I developed my own new strain of it an all, so I did.

They have not had western style lockdowns. South Korea has a population 10x that of Ireland and has a total of 917 Covid deaths. They are concerned about their current rate which is about 1,000 cases a day.

11 deaths

1754 cases

I thought we were due 5 or 6k?

is that a prediction or a result?

What are they saving the other numbers for?

They’re trying not to spread panic.

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The panic over this currently is pathetic. It’s not the Ebola virus ffs.


I can’t get my head around the delay in reporting cases. These people have already been tested, gotten a positive result and, presumably, been informed

We can’t even count positive cases and lads reckon they’ll nail the vaccine roll out :rofl:

Probably vaccinated the same bunch of old people 4 times this week.

Are they trying to massage numbers or what?

The system can’t handle it. It’s an old wincor nixdorf that has 128mb of storage and is running windows 95

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Gavan Reilly was tweeting yesterday that latest lab analysis showed very little presence of this new UK strain and his follow up comment was that it undermined Martin and Varadkar pointing to that as the reason for the deluge of cases. It’s effectively due to people engaging in government sanctioned socialising during December, with the government having rejected NPHET’s advice to restrict that.

I was in favour of a December opening up and I’ve already apologised publicly to Dr Holohan, NPHET and Mary Lou McDonald. It’s a shitty situation now and things will likely get worse for a month before they start to get better.

On a more positive slant, Leo Varadkar is now a busted flush politically, especially after his public attack on Dr Holohan in October. Launching an invective against the housewives’ favourite, eschewing his considered advice and then the country going back to square one as a result will surely lead to a heave against him in FG. Simon Harris, your time is now.