Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

All as a result of the pressure put on by @Bandage.

Not capable of independent thinking.


I’ve been told if cases don’t level off in a week curfew is the next step :man_shrugging:

Where the jaysus did you pick that up?

its not enough, time to bring in draconian measures

Is immunity actually a thing?

It’s bizarre. 58k is likely 100k+ in relative terms when you think of testing capacity and asymptomatic cases which are never tested.

Surely there must be about 7/8m cases minimum in reality in the UK by now?

Serious consideration should be given to killing anyone who tests positive. This would curb the spread of this virus.


North Korea did this. Have only had the one case.

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The virus could be a devout hindu though and believe in reincarnation.

its out of control, house arrest needs to be implemented, too many people are dying

I’d say 20 million have it on the mainland, I have it and there is nothing wrong with me

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You’ll find it if you look for it, google has it well buried at this stage

By God


I’ve had a dry cough since Dec 24th. Tonsils were up too so took course of Antibiotics. Course finished now, tonsils good.

But cough is still there but definitely improved.

Doctor when rang for Antibiotics didn’t feel I needed a test without temperature.

I’ve basically stayed home since Dec 23rd to be safe. I’ll probably stay at home next week too as Crèche have reported member of staff has tested positive so we won’t be putting kids in for 2 weeks.

It’s a nuisance but it’s better to practice some personal responsibility in this case.

I think a severe Lockdown for 3 weeks is needed. Close construction sites etc. Only absolute needed people out at work.

This wave has definitely scared a big cohort of the community.

She makes a point.

I’d be interested to hear what you’d do next week if you had a call to make?

Carry on and let cases increase?

If Hospitals were overwhelmed what do you do then?

I personally don’t think people socialised anymore in December than September for example. Why have cases ( Covid or Flu ) risen so quickly?

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Social distancing whether people knew they were doing it or not? Only explanation I can fathom.

It’s an imaginary virus, the state have us all by the short and curlies. They can and are saying what they like about it.

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At this stage the cat is out of the bag. The cases are going to rocket but unless you are front line worker there is zero need to get tested. Everyone is going to be at home for the next few weeks.

You are only creating the perfect storm for rte to report on.

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Will we still be let walk the prom you think?

Any word on the outbreak in Killorglin?