Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

By who?

Friend in Health service.

The Puck ate a Danish mink


Dunno bout in Ireland but construction was very safe in UK for last 9 months. We had only 1 case in 9 months between 5 thousand operatives. The vast amount of activities you can socially distance, the ones you can’t can wear n95 masks

In my line of work I can be deemed essential but in reality it’s not.

I’m l can safely enough keep a distance 95% of the time.

It’s a shit show for everyone. Hopefully hospital admissions, icu admissions & deaths don’t get out of control.


Someone pick Alison off the floor :joy::joy:

Any one that can relatively safely go to work should be going to work, otherwise it’s unnecessary economic damage.

nowhere is safe now, close everything

Agreed but if they want to get it under control best to run an all in campaign IMO.

Its a New Year. No manelovance intended, look, you vented misfortune on me and mine and you got it, in spades. We’ll live and regards, genuinely, to your Nana.

3394 cases
4 deaths.


Still upwards of 9000 cases backlogged.

607 in hospital vs peak of 900, 50 in ICU vs peak of 150

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Rajesh has located the config file that has the explicit maxTestValue hard coded to 2000. The sweat was rolling off him all day trying to pinpoint it.

The QA will need to be savage thorough on this… There are arrays buried in the code that need to be expanded to accommodate the larger maxTestValue or else Bridie will get overflow errors on Monday morning around 10am and she’ll flood the service desk with tickets.


Over what period of time were max numbers reached?

I took this pic from down by the tower in Salthill on nye. Closed now God knows when it will be open again

Both peaked around mid April

Doesn’t really affect children though

is the 3394 without any of the 9k factored in?