Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

1066 cases
3 deaths

Level 3 was working. Curve is flat.

I am seething. George Lee refers to 1300 a few days ago - numbers still high he says. Defending NPHET - numbers came so fast - eh no George their models predicted higher numbers so did they not plan based on their models.

They’ll say it’s too early to tell let’s wait a few weeks then in 2 or 3 weeks they’ll say cases are reducing the lockdown works.


Do they release their models?

That is obviously what will happen

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Is there anyone in charge of RTE news with half a brain? Can the likes of Lee just report what they feel like?


The same year Holohan and the medical junta have dragged us back to.


He’s limited to “science” apparently.

limited is right


Daily cases arent indicative of anything. Let’s see the weekly average.

I’m after giving a serious rant to my wife over Lee’s report. He focused on how the 14 day incidence rate had now increased again. Which is fuckin obvious because the lower case numbers from 14 days ago are falling off.


Aegrescit medendo

Nolan uses a graph showing falling numbers to
Justify level 5

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That’s doubling every 2 weeks. That’s not a model is it? Thats actual cases?

It looks to me like a pattern, couple of high days and couple of low days every week, but the weekly number is going up

this is the model

the cases were actually trending above their modelling

All these steroid filled gym rats laughing at the pubs being shut earlier in the year, they’re not laughing anymore


When was Level 3 introduced. They said it takes 3 weeks to see an effect. We are now seeing the numbers start to fall. Level 3 worked. The R number in Dublin had fallen over a week ago.


Mental shit.

They didn’t even give level 3 a chance



He states they need to get the R number to .5 and that .9 or .7 won’t be enough.

Level 3 was introduced on October 5th, 2.5 weeks ago. It may be working but not working fast enough for what they think they need to achieve.

Again, personally, I think they should have waited another week to see the last 7 day average for the Level 3 implementation. They’re obviously spooked about something

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Nolan admitted Level 3 was working but it would “take too long”.

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We know what that is. Being found out as incompetent buffoons on contact tracing.