Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

What the fuck is going on with this thread, no posts for over 30 minutes?
I loaded up the TFK homepage and I thought the thread had been deleted.

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I made my way from Co meath into connolly, picked up 3 beers and headed on the bike to heuston not a guard to be seen. Lads if you need to travel to see a parent do it. With the mother now (she had a 6 pack of hienken in the fridge for me!). We need a revolution


This sanitiser scandal beats all. Holy fucking shit.

Could you give me the bullet point summary please?

Norma Foley washed her hands of it in the DƔil tonight.

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Prevent a killer respiratory disease by using a hand wash that just gives you a mild non-lethal respiratory disease.

Well said @cluaindiuic

We all need to pick up some responsibility for our family and neighbours

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I think you have nailed it there . That mob have hi-jacked the whole protest / questioning of lock down .

I think once we get rid of Trump it will be okay to have a serious grown up conversation about this and those fruitcakes, the very type he encourages, and who get financed from the US far right donā€™t forget, they wonā€™t be long forgotten


10 people landing from Dallas this morning. Remember when Breda and Maura lost their shit over that earlier in the year?

Texas, like sweden have left the virus sweep through and are flying it. Its very interesting to listen to Joe Rogan speak about the difference between California and Texas during covid. He moved a few weeks ago and basically said the restrictions are a cod. California would be taking a similar approach to Ireland

In fairness to Norma, Itā€™s hard to cover all angles sure.

Iā€™ve seen kids kicking creosote fences before and it didnā€™t knock a stir out of them. Builds a bit of character if anything.

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Project fear you granny murderers

Local secondary school is closed today due to the hand sanitizer issue

You could not make it up.

  • Schools will reopen after midterm
  • Schools will not reopen after midterm

0 voters

The teachers are planning strike action. Most children are being sent home additional work packs today for after the midterm.


Expect the NPHET/HSE disaster show to continue over the winter.

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The hospitals are now completely overwhelmed by Coronavirus, thereā€™s over 700 people on trollies waiting for a bed.

Edit: apologies I see that was last winter

Edit: edit: apologies that was actually 2018



Iā€™ve a feeling the Govt will bull ignorance their way through this. Theyā€™ve a lot riding on the schools being open

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Sensible precautionary measure it seems

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