Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Luke O Neil on now. Anyone know has he a book coming out?

Back off.

I have Coco Pops for breakfast.

Luke Oā€™Neill is in great form and very hopeful re. vaccines

Luke needs people to not be afraid to go out and buy his book

I thought waters could get a few thousand as he seems to be backed by somebody with money but obviously isnā€™t the man either.

Iā€™m disappointed Yatesy seems to be hiding under the bed in Wexford.

A two pronged approach of Yatesy and McDowell would be powerful youā€™d think.

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To quote Gyp Rosetti:

ā€œLike a dentist with the etherā€

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Todays scenes were exactly what they wanted, it will only spur them on

Was it a peaceful protest?

Didnā€™t look it

Galway Galway Galway

Sweet Jesus, I had the volume on as normal before I pressed play.

Twas like a Camogie County Final.

Not from the Deep South anyway.

In a surprise twist, Tony the dictator confirmed for tomorrowā€™s Late Late

Imagine 2 unbearable cunts.

The kids will get their highs from state approved Hand sanitisers once we go full prohobition.
Assuming they arenā€™t already

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It can be easy to mix up methanol and ethanol I guess

Fucking civil servants

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Fantastic post. Absolutely up the walls with work atm which is good for keeping me distracted, but I have made a mental note to up the contact with friends and relatives over the coming months. Hopefully that doesnā€™t send any of them over the edge.

How long before non-chemtrailers start protesting lads? Weā€™ll probably get through Lockdown 2.0 OK, but I think Iā€™ll be investing in some cardboard and permanent marker for Lockdown 3.0 in January


Thanks for sharing that. I think youā€™re spot on about the predicted increases. I know of 6 suicides in the Dublin 15 area in the last 2-3 weeks alone. These must be feeding back to NPHET/government.

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