Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Are you Garda vetted?

Was there not a spike in Limerick not long after that? How many died from that?

I expected kick back for being genuine but fuck me mate.

Even for you that is juvenile and pretty nasty

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Sure didn’t he smash the wife’s head in a fridge door?


whats this now?

You’re breaking regulations.


Have you rang up RTE to tell them about your great feats? With any luck you could get a citizen of the year award presented by Miggeldy and a zoom call with Tubridy on late late toy show.

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Eh, different Stephen Collins pal. :joy:


one regulation for him, one for everyone else

unauthorised gatherings, no social distancing, he’s making it up as he goes along

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Optimism of any sort is not allowed on TFK,

Tune into the LLS later on if you want to join the gang, pencilneck blah blah blah etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


Nice optimistic post

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Was thinking this the other night while watching the news, how many pubs\restaurants etc invested in outdoor areas so they could keep going only to end up being shutdown again anyway. It can’t be easy for them.

If you are genuinely worried about the societal and mental health aspects of this, as pointed out in @cluaindiuic excellent post on this thread, there are leeway’s in the restrictions to allow you to help people who may be struggling.

You can make your social bubble with one other household, instead of making it a buddy or someone you can have a drink with etc. Make it someone who is in actual need of help around you.

That paragraph is ludicrous


but that is the same in any recession. restrictions or not we are facing into a recession because of the pandemic.
the State aren’t just closing businesses and letting them go. There are supports for SME’s and employee’s etc.

Some places will close because of the restrictions and never open again and that is terrible. Some places will adapt and some places will have a future because of the supports.

It isn’t always doom and gloom.

The Limerick hurling clique have always been optimistic on tfk. Bordering on deranged.