Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

poor old esteban, martyring himself only to be shot down by the meanies of TFK

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The issue was that many businesses invested in things in anticipation of being able to operate within a new set of restrictions (and many invested and were never allowed to open).

The point is why would you invest now?

some lads see problems and don’t want to hear solutions. Very weak characters

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I love this thread. It’s the same thing over and over again. A chorus of us saying…it’s fucking NPHET / FFG and a determined faction saying…it’s a fucking pandemic.


Why wouldn’t you? If you invest now you’re getting ahead of the curve. Patterns repeat. This will probably happen again sometime in February/March. You’ll be ahead of the lads who can’t/won’t.

Investment is always a risk.

Aside from being at the whim of incoherent policy, businesses that have been forced to close for months might have limited resources and cash flow issues.

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Yes and I would not go near a country that is proposing for rolling lockdowns until this “goes away”.

that generally happens during a recession.

the hospitality sector has taken a shit the World over. Regardless of policy the one thing common between countries is that. Keep the business open an offset all the cost of it on to them? You’re making the strong stronger and the weak will die. Close all of them and offer equal support. That seems fair to me. Well not fair, but fairer.

You’ll have some lads blaming the GAA for it all, and then you’ll have posters like me dismissing them by pointing to the rise in cases all over Europe.

But then a few minutes later you’ll have me saying it’s all the HSEs fault while ignoring the rise in cases all over Europe.


What a pack of gowls.

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Its TFKs way of representing the monotony and repetitiveness of actual real life scenarios. The longest 7 months in world history.

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We were trending at 7% last week were we not?

Level 3 had stabilized matters. Positive rate falling.

NPHET were wrong and panicked because they lost control last weekend of contact tracing.


Level 3 and Level 5 had minimal differences.

Let’s go back to Level 2.


It seems to be fizzling out.


Go easy, to many this forum is their only form of Escape Goat.

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they shat the bed, Cardinal Holohan hasn’t a clue what he is at, scary to think he is in charge of the country


A nation of Flurry Knoxes.