Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Only for @Malarkey lads.

Ye should be thankful for his contributions as opposed to running to the head master claiming heā€™s cheated on the weekly exam.


Hospital numbers down over 10% in the week. I suppose there is no chance pig headed Tony will apologise and say he fucked up (again) if the numbers continue their current trajectory.


A ā‚¬4bn display of petulance.


Amor fati.

ā€œa will to live without rejecting anything of life, which is the virtue I honor most in this world.ā€

Albert Camus

Theyā€™ll declare it a victory sure

Never trust a goalkeeper. They are all mad

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The only problem is heā€™s written a Paper 2 english answer for a science and mathematics exam.


Or: death is inevitable.

Go away and read Adornoā€™s The Jargon of Authenticity. He was way ahead of the game.

Ah no. I just pointed out that spoofology about death rates is spoofology. As is cold cod mysticism about the inevitability of death.

The problem remains: best practice for dealing with this virus. I certainly do not know all the answers but I will always know spoofology.

Of course, the reason why Britain, Belgium and sundry other places are in such bother is because the experts failed to absorb the wit and the wisdom of TFK menā€™s shed.

Hard to make it up and hard to credit the level of ego.

You can always tell how rattled and drunk yer man is when he replies to the same post twice. Did it 2 or 3 times during last nightā€™s bottle.


About a month of excess deaths when all is told. And deaths that will perhaps will level off due to the fact that people who passed were sadly so elderly.

Sweden has seen the lowest September month of deaths on record, this suggests that many lost months of life rather than years.

Excess deaths years happen quite regularly, usually tied to a severe flu season. Covid is worse but not to a significant level.

Itā€™s very sad but our public policy always ascribes a value to life. I havenā€™t read that book that you got the Cliff Notes on to tell the board about but I doubt it deals with that reality.


He mustnā€™t have slept last night.

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Up all night with the extra hour.

Menā€™s shed is a good aul slag in fairness

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The slow lads are always fierce impressed by the big words

Imagine the pain of knowing you were the smartest person in the world but everyone else was too stupid to see it. I wouldnā€™t be able to sleep either.


Lads calling for bans and burying sly digs two or 3 replies deep. Cages were rattled

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A gom pretending to be a gom so as not to be a gom.

Translation: clutching at daws.

Ah yeah. Those big words.

Never have marmalade on toast when you could have jam on toast.

Make America jammy again. So to speak.

Is not my typing after drinking so much whiskey an absolute wonder?

I guess latchikos will find their compensations where they can.

The far right are very intolerent to any opposing opinions