Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It seems to be our only way out of this sorry mess.

@Rocko should lock the thread on Sundayā€™s and give everybody a good break.

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I donā€™t follow this thread but is there any country. Even a small country or city. That went full whack with the swarm and came out laughing the other side?

Trying to get a mouthful of coppers out of a basin full of spittle and lukewarm water?


Was Malarkey at the whiskey again?


Never did us any harm

This is the only bit I understood


He must keep the whiskey and the thesaurus on the same shelf


Immunity building stuff.

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Built up the immunities. That and the seven of us trying to get a bite out of an apple dangling from a door frame on a piece of string


Did ye ever put a grape on top of a pile of flour and cut it away with a knife till it collapses,and then dunk whoever collapsed it face first into it?


I didnā€™t.

Tremendous fun.

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The father breaking a Brazil nut with a hammer and trying to separate the bits of nut from the shell


Grand Iā€™d imagine, perhaps they should relax restrictions the stupid frog eating cuntsā€¦

I honestly never thought there could be a bastard as dogged and ignorant as your man that was banned for 1,000 years, but weā€™ve just found him. Up all night writing absolute shit. @Rocko needs to revoke his posting rights to the whiskey thread where he adds some genuine value.


Great for the reflexes

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Was that in Boratā€™s kidā€™s book?


Translation: ā€˜He is right. And I can do nothing about it. And he is far too smart to browbeat with menā€™s shed bullshit, the Last of the Summer Wine meets The League of Gentleman guff.ā€™

Go away, you clown. You are philosophically illiterate and analytically dumb and politically poisonous.

Back in the day, you must have been an awful danger to Lego.

Where is your hero Kevin Myers now and the nostrum of ā€˜free speechā€™? Running to Rocko to ban himā€¦

You poisonous coward.