Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Are we perhaps looking for a lower viral load?

It makes sense if the vaccines aren’t worth a shite …

Proximity to the UK strikes me as a spurious reason. But then we’ve always blamed foreigners throughout this pandemic. Couldn’t be our own fault.

They don’t seem to want to trust the vaccines. Better wear a rag on your face. I’d be ok with masks if they mandated n95 masks that might do something

What? No. Christ. We just have higher infection rates.

Some serious operators doing the thinking for us here.

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It is unquestionably a major reason. We share an open land border with them FFS sake.

Not sure where this proposed relaxation of restrictions is coming from because that sounds like not much is changing?

Why doesn’t every other country bordering a country with high rates have similarly high rates?

Why do countries with fewer restrictions have lower covid rates?

Universities and Workplaces back. Phased return of Music, Arts etc. That’s about it.

In 2 or 3 years time the rest of the world will have mass gatherings back and NPHET still won’t have allowed them in Ireland. An entire generation will leave and the country will turn into a wasteland.

The Khymer Rouge had the right idea. Wipe out the intelligentsia and let the publicans run the country :pint:

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In 2 years time the only people left in Ireland will be the people with underlying conditions.

Can anyone answer this?

The Department of Education’s decision to reject mask wearing in schools is a fucking disgrace.

I saw this the other day about a school is Texas

Perhaps having intelligent responsible leaders who adhere to sensible proven scientific measures is a good idea?

Plateauing cases in the Republic for the moment which is about as much as you could realistically hope for but it’s at a level where it could shoot upwards very quickly.

Children not wearing masks seems to be universally popular in Western Europe. Fair play to them, ZCers making this last stand is hilarious.