NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You only kicked up when there was a threat to your foreign summer holiday to torremolinos.



A lot of Irish people seem to be really upset that New Zealand has enjoyed far greater freedom over the past 18 months than them but Paddy has had 100x the case numbers and 200x the deaths. Can’t we just be happy for them?

Through your hole.

I went to Poland and raved like a maniac, what kiwi has done that?

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You were on here saying vaccine passports would never happen - Israel is a mad country etc,

Now you’re all for them?

Aren’t you supposed to be all for equality and inclusion etc?

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Israel is a mad country. I don’t agree with Ireland’s vaccine pass system, there should be a testing element as well. However, if you’re selfish enough not to take the vaccine it doesn’t bother me at all that you can’t get inside a bar.

People who preach about this and that injustice from all around the world are gas cunts.

My issue with vaccine passports iis the precedent it sets. I couldnt care less about pubs. Once this is in, it’ll potentially be work, obviously travel etc,

Ignorant, self indulgent people like your good self, just can’t see that.

It’s unfortunate.

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Beachside coffees extended for 1 more month in NSW.

Coronavirus: Sydney lockdown extended until end of September (via @IrishTimes) Coronavirus: Sydney lockdown extended until end of September

Those DC numbers😯

Ireland has decided to follow too.

If we adopt Zero Covid we’ll be able to have concerts and watch rugby we were told :man_shrugging:

@Chucks_Nwoko could you please verify?

:rofl: You can find anything on twitter if you look hard enough.

Be a great way to get a few days peace

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Nothing online is real.

Shur he can get a coffee on the beach, what does he want with children?

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