Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

As Iā€™ve done all along Iā€™ll leave that to the experts.

Which ones?

Ah right so, just when their betters need a photo


The ones that are helping to protect the vulnerable from a fatal virus through a variety of measures incuding vaccinations and who urged caution and patience from the start.


That seems like a fairly spurious criteria. Itā€™s almost as if he hasnā€™t the first idea what heā€™s talking about. The again itā€™s Mike ā€œIā€™m a little bit light on detailā€ Hunt.

From a man who said India was ā€œdone with Covidā€ before a catastrophic wave hit.


Thatā€™s enough now Mike, job is done.

More lies.

If I said it then itā€™s fairly routine for you to go and substantiate your allegation. Do that or forever be known as some who just slings lies and mud when heā€™s found out.

Whatā€™s the odds you fail?

And never once admitted he was wrong.

Which would strongly imply that he thinks what happened in India didnā€™t actually happen.

Every time these loons post they prove how much they have retreated into a fantasy world of make believe.

You mean the ones that seeded care homes with positive hospital patients and caused thousands of deaths? Well at least they wonā€™t have to answer for it so long as most people ā€œleave that to the expertsā€

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@Tierneevin1979 made a show of himself when he said Sweden were done with Covid but you went one better. Too dumb to learn from someone elseā€™s mistake, you just couldnā€™t resist highighting your baseless arrogance.


Where did this sudden concern for the elderly and vulnerable come from?

Whatā€™s that got to do with your allegation Mike.

You shouldnā€™t go around this forum trying to defame a big hitter with lies if you havenā€™t got the minerals to see it through.

The baseless arrogance again. Calling yourself a big hitter, like all village idiots believing the encouragement you receive is heartfelt and continue on making a show of yourself.

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So I take it thatā€™s confirmation you were trying to misrepresent and spread false allegations because you have so little conviction in your own position?

The onus is on you, itā€™s very easy to support your story. Only a slow witted bully with small man syndrome would not be able to corroborate your allegations. You need to show us thatā€™s not what you are.

I think that was a typo. :grinning:

Sorry Mike. Glenshane is on record throughout saying that vulnerable, elderly etc should be protected. Your post is intended to be offensive, but at least you didnā€™t attempt to claim that the experts you follow didnā€™t act as Glenshane stated.

The Mike and Glenshane bromance is one of the highlights of this forum. :heart:


It certainly is for me anyhowsā€¦I hope Mike would agree