Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Hopefully the players take legal action against the club and win.

Be great craic if they were able to get themselves released from their contracts under it and join a new team.

Serious human rights abuse issues here.


Huh? How is having to pay for your own Covid test a human rights issue?

Christ, pal! Is it a hangover has you so bristly this early?

The club is in serious trouble if they need pcr test sto prove their players are healthy you literally couldnā€™t make it up

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When itā€™s discriminatory against people who donā€™t get vaccinated.

Youā€™re not very bright are you?

You should send Amnesty an email

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If you come after the king youā€™d better not miss. Some lad talking about barking and little dogs while making a virtue out of being a cod. No wonder the brits, castle stick etcā€¦

Iā€™m sure the players will be seeking legal advice.

I was reading a book last night - I know, I know, - one without pictures, anyway, came to this section ofit and I thought ā€œFuck me! This guy has been reading the virus threads on tfkā€

We have a scanner but I donā€™t know how to use it so Iā€™ll maybe take a couple of pictures of the appropiate section and stick them up here.

This is the thread for them, I think.

Show donā€™t tell. Who has time for scanners these days anyway

Not only is it a basic human right to be alllowed carry and pass on a virus that is fatal for some, we should also be paid for the right to do so.


Theres a scanner on your phone mate.

Now we come to the human rights chapter of your virology thesis

What can you say about these people?

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Leo has lovely hands.

Norma is the only one there who looks like she knows what to do with a shovel

Donā€™t forget your shovel if you want to go to work.

Kids hardly have to wear masks outdoors?

As Iā€™ve done all along Iā€™ll leave that to the experts.

Which ones?