Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

October 22nd - Freedom Day.

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I assume they will be still in places like the odd village that has the special Olympics sign for the country they are hosting

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Will people start bunching together in queues again or is that a permanent thing of the past unless space is an issue …

Keeping mask for indoor retail is interesting. Wonder what the risk assessment is on that.

Anomaly 2… after October 22nd you’ll be allowed lick each others faces and breathe down each others throats with no masks on in the nightclub but then have to put your mask on when you go into the 24 hour spar after.


So paddy is reopening just as winter flu season gets going

Tony is setting traps , he knows well that we’ll never get to 22nd October , we’ll have more restrictions by then …


Tony and co and their press conferences are being stood down.
I picture him like Colonel jessup being dragged out of the courtroom roaring at tom cruise/egghead. ‘I’ll rip out your eyes and piss in your skull’

Did you include people with broken ankles in the covid hospital stats?
You’re god damn right I did!


All positive news mainly today but no indication at all of a possible date for removing the mask mandate is concerning. I guess if it is not happening in October then it will probably be next March at the earliest to get through the winter so another 6 or 7 months at least of mask wearing most likely on the cards. Egghead said the difference between pubs and shops is that everyone in the pub is vaccinated but that won’t be the case after October 22nd so hard to square it off then.

Are you not sick of whining after 18 months of it?

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Nah I’d rattle another 18 months out of it I’d say.


They never seem to stress test or proof read these things. The example I gave is absolutely ridiculous and surely won’t last when people realise it. I bet there will be loads of similar ones too. It’s been happening all along with the 9 euro meal obviously being the daddy of them all that will go down in legend. It was the one single thing that devalued the public health advice in the eyes of the public the most but there have been a constant stream of them.


Whats the capacity limit of the Ecotrail?!


A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration to an individual stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection.

The lads that moaned most will miss it most.

Are they dropping masks in schools ?

Dunno mate but they did sell it out…

Its over for Sid.

Not for secondary schools for now anyway.

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I miss it already.

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