Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I think they drop them post October mid-term? Or maybe I misheard that

Paul Murphy wants everyone back under the bed and on the PUP.


Yeah you could be right. Think healthcare, public transport and retail will be all that remains after the 22nd is what they said.

You’re some cunt.


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Burst out laughing at that one :clap::clap::clap:

  • The plan for ending restrictions will go well
  • The plan for ending restrictions won’t go well

0 voters

The plan for ending restrictions is a farce*

Can you update the poll @Tank , mate.

Do you believe vaccines lead to 100% immunity for everyone who gets one?

No such thing as 100%

Of course not, they reduce the risk of getting sick for most people by building immunity to the virus, in theory up to 94% based on the clinical trials. In the real world it depends on the individual and how responsive their immune system is, but averages about 80% a few weeks after full vaccination. So there are roughly 20% still susceptible to illness, even if less severe.

The points @ironmoth was making are unrelated to vaccine efficiency/effectiveness at preventing illness. You can still contract the virus and transmit the virus if you are vaccinated, even if your personal risk of illness is much lower. It also appears from recent studies vaccine immunity wears off after roughly 6 months and natural immunity acquired from infection is longer lasting and stronger.

None of these are black and white issues as we are dealing with science.

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Ironmoth was spouting the kind of black and white anti-vax bollixology you see spread by the permanently stupid on facbook. Acting like his “argument” had some nuance to it is hilarious.

Other than myself @ironmoth is the only poster on here who has any understanding of vaccines or immunology. Wind your thick east Cork neck in.


What did he say that fit this bill?

Reading posts on Facebook :rofl:

Two senior FDA vaccine regulators have resigned in protest at the White House plan to start booster shots for the general public as early as Sept 20th, before the FDA have given their approval. Adds to existing tension on vaccinating younger children on an emergency basis before long term side effects are studied.

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Am I right in saying that concerns about ADE have largely passed, on the basis that ADE problems which arose during animal trials did so during the week after immunisation? My well placed CDC source informs me that auto immune disorders are the biggest hurdle, but are unlikely to arise in the short-term

The CDC position on autoimmune diseases (from their website) is that people with these disorders are eligible for vaccines but there is currently no data on safety (thanks lads). I would be more worried about people who are genetically predisposed to autoimmune diseases.

The risk with ADE is if a variant emerges that completely evades the vaccine, it could use the vaccine antibodies to it’s advantage. I’m not aware of any animal studies looking for evidence of ADE on the Delta variant so far, but that Japan study raises concerns.

That would be a nightmare scenario. Certainly isnt totally unfeasible either.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Sweet jesus, the ‘I’m an expert, now shut the fuck up’ argument.

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