Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Thatā€™s not the point. Heā€™s travelling. Heā€™ll kill us all.

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Is there something a bit off about that video? I mean it appears staged and scripted

I assume heā€™ll be in in a couple of days, is a Grammar school fee paying?


It was great timing by @glenshane that he happened to be there filming just as the kid was arriving out the gate.

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We need to get on with it now

We canā€™t stay shut forever just to protect the awkward squad.


Grammar spelled incorrectly.

Oh the ironing.

Freedom is a load of wisy washy horeshit. The very definition of coexisting in a society meaningfully and peaceably is relenting on ā€˜freedomsā€™ā€¦ Thatā€™s what makes society works.


Central govt planning and directing every minute of your day is the only way to go. They can set up a system whereby your neighbours and family can inform the central govt if someone deviates slightly from the agenda. Corrective action can arise from there. Not sure if this has been tried anywhere before but youā€™re correct, this freedom concept is a bit of a fugazi.


Now youā€™re being really stupid.

Jonathan Graham is the man.

No, they focus exclusively on syntax and spelling.

Kabul Airport badly needs their expertise. A rocket up the hole would be too good for them after what they have done to Ireland

Like something youā€™d see in East Germany back in the day, State mind control

Whatā€™s Gerry going to do with all of his empty freezer trucks now.

Joe Rogan has Covid.

The ultimate test for Ivermectin @glenshane.

Heā€™ll cure himself by flexing

And cannabis.

Whats the percentage of fully vaxxed in the US now?

Ourselves and Israel are going to slip back when the 3rd shot is in play and the terms of fully vaccinated change over.