Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

What went wrong here lads? All fully vaxxedā€¦

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Anyone who got a shot of Pfizer before April is essentially an open goal for The Virus at this stage.

52.4% of the overall population.

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Some difference in fairness.

Is that to do with lack of supply or vaccine hesitancy in the US?

Its a kick in the hole for Tony Fauci either way. Which is no harm.

President Harris needs to step up, because SJ is falling behind on the President Trump COVID-19 rollout strategy.

Says he is now fine now in a video on insta after a cocktail of drugs including invermectin. Thereā€™s a bunch of people on twitter hopping like sausages hoping heā€™s going to die. :joy:


Joe Rogan is a gas man.


Itā€™s sort of what you would expect I think. Thereā€™s about 82% of the over 65s fully vaccinated, 70% of the 50-65, 61% of the 40-50, and around 50% of the 18-40. Itā€™s still creeping up, 95% of the 65-75 age group have at least one shot. Thereā€™s no shortage of supply, not with third shots being available in a few weeks.

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I think itā€™s clear now that what happened is we had a overlap of vaccine rollout and Delta spread. The vaccines were developed back in early 2020 based on the original Wuhan strain and the roll out started in January 2021. By April when most of the vulnerable were vaccinated Delta was starting to spread across the western world from India, and by July was the dominant strain. The vaccines definitely did the job for earlier variants including Alpha, but the combination of immunity wearing off for those vaccinated early and Delta being able to at least somewhat evade the vaccine antibodies, we now have a vulnerable population again who need boosters.

What I canā€™t understand is why we donā€™t have Delta vaccines by now, or at least have them in clinical trials. Itā€™s a days work to modify the mRNA to the Delta version, so its not technology holding it up. Thereā€™s some other concern and itā€™s not been talked about publicly.

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I wonder will this documentary take a critical look at Fauci, including his funding and promotion of the gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan that may possibly saw the release of SARS-COV-2? Nice to see Bono in here, spouting his usual guff.


But Fauci was adamant they didnā€™t fund GOF research in Wuhan. They funded it in the US and the evil Chinese stole it / we gave it to them. Not hard to do when 95% of US academics are on the CCP payroll.
You reap what you sow.

Hes flying it according to his video. Taking everything under the sun. Great man.

A lot of it is attitude. Same with all illness, if you give in to it you are fucked.

What do you think that might be?

@Cheasty Joe Rogan is doing loads of drugs. One of the things he mentions are monoclonal antibodies which are an experimental treatment, supposed to be quite effective if given very early in the infection. Itā€™s ironic that Joe didnā€™t want an experimental vaccine so now heā€™s pumping himself full of all different experimental treatments with no idea of the potential side effects.

Iā€™d say Joe will be fine, donā€™t worry. In the mean time, he looks like shit. His skin is turning grey.

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K m8

A lot of the #bekind set hoping he dies

He put a lot of people off getting the vaccine, some of those people are dead now.