Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

More lies.

I kicked his ass on this thread in a detailed substantiated post from official govt sources and he exited stage left of centre swiftly.

It’s a pity he doesn’t have the conviction to stand his ground and debate with integrity and good faith.

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Details, conviction and integrity have no place in that guy’s head or heart. HBV had marked his card a long, long time ago.


Only took you three hours for the penny to drop. Do I need to rehash my post about the similarity with spending time shouting at a degenerate on the subway?

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Terrified of argument. Any opinion that can’t be debated should be ‘deplatformed’ the standard left response


The mother of one of the marines killed in Afghanistan had her Facebook account deleted for daring to criticize the US government in relation to his death. Absolute bastards.

Under your own ideology there should be no problem with that. Facebook is a private corporation, and therefore, according to libertarian ideology, decide what is posted on their platform.

It’s a bit rich to be complaining about the effects of your own ideology.

Of course they can ban who they like. I am just pointing out they are a shower of bastards.

He should be left to howl at the moon.

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Rogan, Rogan, Rogan


Joe Rogan isn’t some bad right wing nut… He has his own views that sometimes challenge the status quo… He’s fairly middle of the road from what I’ve seen , he’ll call out right and left equally… In saying that I’ve listened to about 10 of his podcasts.


I’ve explained this to you in the past, to leftist headbangers anyone who disagrees with them is far right.

When glas gets accused of being far right the shark has been jumped.

Joe Rogan knows exactly what he is at lads. Give the man some credit. He knows his listeners are in the disaffected and he hams it up for them

A sad indictment of discourse that a host who tries to be a bit balanced is now an anomaly. He’s certainly cashed in on that fact.

Small and pre delta but interesting.

Of the breakthroughs I’ve heard, symptoms were the main driver (youngsters). I know of a group of 8 fully vaxxed who went for a weekend away together where 1 gave it to another. None of the partners tested positive- except for the partner of the breakthrough infection, around 10 days after the breakthrough infection started showing symptoms. It’s possible that it was just an unusually long incubation (would have been over 15 days) period but I reckon they actually caught it off their own partner. It’ll make things way more manageable if things like infectious period and presymptomatic infection are cut down a lot.

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Delta is the game changer, breakthrough infections were rare before Delta became widespread.

Which is also partly linked to NPIs in place, case levels, antibodies wearing off and a host of other factors that we don’t understand enough. One thing said on Delta was that the symptoms generally show up earlier.

It could be all about the Mu variant soon…Lambda too seems to be a right cunt of a variant :grinning:

It’s all Greek to me

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Lambda is a killer.