Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Maybe @anon7035031 aka @labane1917, might like to apologise for talking through his arse about lockdowns supposedly causing increased suicide, which they didnā€™t?

The ā€œevidenceā€ didnā€™t exist.

More lies. Unlike you I actually understand how hydroxychloroquine works from a pharmacology standpoint and why it showed promise. Itā€™s disappointing that it didnā€™t deliver on the promise but over 90% of new drugs fail in clinical trials, thatā€™s the nature of medicine.

No lies whatsoever, just truth.

You furiously pushed hydroxychloroquine because the US right wing disinformation machine did so as part of a culture war and you were willing to believe every bit of nonsense that was used to push it.

And you still havenā€™t learned your lesson with Ivermectin.

Just making sure this gem doesnā€™t slip under the radar


Anti-woke is white supremacism.

Why from a pharmacology standpoint might hydroxychloroquine be a candidate for treating Covid?

Time for you to admit you were talking balls.

In your warped opinion.

Hydroxychloroquine was very quickly shown to be bullshit as a treatment for Covid. The US right wing, and you, refused to accept that reality, and instead chose to beleive a batshit crazy conspiracy theory.

It made you look very foolish.

Some parts of the international right wing anti-woke cult are still pushing it, such as GB News.

You didnā€™t launch a counter argument.

I literally gave you the figures above. You were proved categorically wrong and refuse to accept this.

Itā€™s hilarious.

Why from a pharmacology standpoint might hydroxychloroquine be a candidate for treating Covid?

You need to stop crying, mate. You swallowed the bullshit whole. And youā€™re still swallowing.

Refer to my previous answer. You were categorically wrong. Lockdowns did not lead to an increase in suicide, they led to decreases.

Thereā€™s an appropriate place for you to comment on the INTERNET. Itā€™s as a telephone number in Sports Gemmaā€™s Twitter replies.

Get a job mate.

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I accept your surrender.

So suicide attempts increasing by 50% among young girls is of no concern to you?

You would have to be a heartless bastard to not be concerned.

I gave you the figures. You were wrong.

A 50% in suicide attempts by young girls is not a concern?

You can have your Internet victory on that one, Iā€™ve wasted far too much of my valuable time on you already.

You were wrong. And the international right-wing pro-virus cult was wrong. But sure when did yis ever care about facts, the ideology of disinformation and propaganda and gaslighting is what it has always been about.