Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

That’s great news. It sounds almost like a gene therapy rather than a vaccine?

Not sure. He said the fact that vaccine works on the RNA in a cell means that they can use it to change the defective gene code that causes the problems. They can rewrite the code with the correct code.

It’s like a world war - research was funded and pushed through that otherwise would have taken decades.

RNA therapy will completely revolutionize medicine. Obviously it’s a very involved topic but RNA therapy is not gene therapy although it is genetic therapy. Gene therapy means entering the nucleus of the cell and changing DNA, usually to correct defective genes. RNA therapy happens outside the nucleus where genes are expressed to make proteins. So in simple terms to treat a genetic disease traditional gene therapy changes the DNA permanently to correct mistakes, while RNA therapy corrects the mistakes during the process of making proteins and is not permanent.


Exactly :woozy_face:

American football is a very stupid sport. They all run amazing 40 years dashes but none of them can run a 5km.

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Anyone who got that Pfizer shite is fucked. Moderna the only proper vaccine.

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Interesting pics here. In the map on the right the vaccination rates by county. The reds in the East are around the 30% vaccinated mark. The blues in the centre and West are in the 66%+ territory.

The map on the left shows current C-19 infection rates. Still fairly low but doesn’t take a genius to work it out.

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Got a call from the principal of the lads school earlier. There is a C-19 case in one class so the unvaccinated kids are to isolate and not come to school for a few days while the vaccinated can attend. Approx 2/3 of the kids are fully vaccinated and 10-15% are in progress (one shot). But in some schools the rate is as low as 30%.

Apparently the Moderna does was higher than the Pfizer dose.

If you survive the side effects of Moderna you will never die

As they say What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Everyone in my house got covid a while back. I only had one dose moderna at time but the virus couldn’t lay a glove on me.



Hup out that. Should have been done 12 months ago

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They’ll be calling in us lads with Moderna to throw the bodies of the Pfizer crowd into the furnace


Tomás Ryan has a piece in the Irish Times today titled Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Children, or something like that.

Curiously, he points out that somewhere between 2% and 15% (quite a wide gap there) of children get long covid. This surely casts into doubt the veracity of @Cheasty’s claim that one in seven children get long covid. Looks like a pretend covid expert has been caught out making things up again.

Ryan also calls for serial testing of all classrooms. I called for this months and months ago, pointing to example of the actual real world where lots of countries were already using antigen self tests done by the children themselves. Sid said this was absolutely out of the question. More vindication for glas.

They can’t use antigen testing as long as irish children have access to butter or Soda water. They need to be criminalised first. Prohibition on butter, soda water and alcohol is the only way to fight covid


The children could have had a gin and tonic just before taking the test, and then where would we be?

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I will fully support any party that pushes g&ts for school kids. Get them away from those dangerous shorts like jagermeister or after shock