Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

This will trigger the anti-vaccine huns no end. The same people who normally would be fully supportive of shooting people up.

Great pal, look forward to reading your support of the fat taxation bill along with the hospital admissions fat surcharge. Just to be consistent.

Some sort of social credit system is what we need. You would lose points for smoking, drinking, eating chips, not wearing a mask and so on. Go below a certain threshold and you on your own and denied healthcare. We could also tweak it to stop climate change. If you litter, kill a spider or turn on the heating in summer you can be denied an overseas holiday, tied in stocks or forced to watch that Al Gore film on repeat.


This was always going to happen pal, it’ll go down to 6 month olds soon.

The boosters though will really build on the gains from the fully vaxxed etc etc,

No mention that they’re leaky though. A 4th booster will surely solve that or maybe the 5th one. @myboyblue

Rinse and repeat then. You can never ever be too safe.

A social credit system would not suit me at all.

Hon Joe.


He’s a great lad. I’ll actually be surprised if the democratic pharmaceutical wokery doesn’t actually make an attempt on his life. He has them destroyed

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Can’t say fairer than that

You’re a racist

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They certainly arent fond of him. Fairplay to him.

This segment here is interesting too.

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When are we getting our boosters?


You were drunk at 2:35 am making a fool of yourself on the INTERNET, hours after I had last posted, because you couldn’t handle my posts last night.

You’re not well, mate.

The beauty of the system is that it would only weed out the bad uns! I can’t see what could go wrong!

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That would be great. Starting when?

I think they’ll rope as many into the scheme as possible… before introducing the ‘dependency’ aspect

As long as we have a meaningful Christmas it’s all good

Haven’t bothered clicking on that link bit what is John Spillane doing on with Joe Rogan


That’s very interesting. In fairness there were lads on tfk saying the same thing months ago!

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Chatting to a consultant who reckons the Pfizer vaccine will lead to a vaccine against genetic diseases - the same logic would apply he said so you’d be vaccinated against your own genetic condition and that would fix it

That’s the big money one