Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Itā€™s the recording of the deaths thatā€™s the biggest scandal.

Some 86 year old dying in a hospice of cancer, tested positive for Covid 4 weeks ago, finally passes away and they are trying to pass this off as a Covid death? Extremely sinister.

Iā€™ll have the usual shriekers arguing this here on a hysterical basis full of ignorance, bias, virtue signaling and narcissism but devoid of any data or looking at the criteria on how the data is recorded. They donā€™t like the truth, they only want to spread ignorant propaganda, they only deal in misinformation and misrepresentation.


With you??

Iā€™ve been very rational and pragmatic about this, you had a meltdown at your mother for wanting to see her grandkids.

The same lads saying the exact same stuff they were saying this time last year. Eejits never learn.

You donā€™t understand the basics. You couldnā€™t even grasp the simple concept of a breakthrough infection.


Paul Hamill seemed like a rare thing - a DUP man who was genuinely conciliatory towards the ā€œother sideā€. The reaction to his death seems to be one of genuine sadness across the spectrum.

But he was also a victim of disinformation. A quick scan of the stuff he retweeted on his Twitter page reads like a whoā€™s who of Covid, cranks, crackpots and ideologues. Toby Young, Robert Malone, Mike Yeadon, Ivor Cummins, Martin Kulldorff, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Renee Hoenderkamp, Michael Levitt, Gillian McKeith, Clare Craig, Allison Person, the Great Barrington Declaration, GB News, Fox News, the HART Group.

Buying into Covid disinformation cost him his life.

Here goes Simple Mike and speaking in vague terms again.

I know I had a post with plenty of detailed information and observations on it. I do understand thatā€™s way about your IQ level though and you just do what youā€™re told as youā€™re too much of an idiot to be able to perform any sort of critical or challenging thinking.

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As retweeted by Paul Hamill.

I really fear for the safety of some of the anti-vaxx posters on here.


You were incapable of understanding what a breakthrough infection was. Even an online form seemed to flummox you. Lads tried to ladybird it for you but to no avail.

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Youā€™re speaking in vague terms again Mike.

Iā€™ve made my points and substantiated them with information and data provided from the Department of Health.

Youā€™re just speaking through your arse on matters you know nowt about.

Paul Hamill was a prolific Tweeter. His last tweet was on August 16th, 29 days before he died from Covid.

I do not want to imagine the fear he and his family must have felt during those 29 days. I do not have to imagine it, I already know what it feels like. And I do not want to imagine the agony he must have been in physically.

But other people should imagine it, because in his case, it was preventable.

Incidentally he presumably wonā€™t be counted by the UK as a Covid death because it would appear his death fell outside the 28 day cut off point.

The holdouts really should have a good old think.

Sebastian Shemirani is the son of the prominent UK Covid disinformation pusher Kate Shemirani.

Your transition into a simplistic opportunistic loon seems complete. Are you seriously feigning some sort of understanding or knowledge of lawrie from a vantage point three points removed from the actual letter. Have you read the letter?

Believing frauds like Tess Lawrie is costing lots of people their lives.

oh deary deary me

Vague Mike.

Too stupid to offer anything constructive. Too spineless to attempt to frame an argument.

Stock comments and naivety are the order of the day.

Not stupid enough to allow an application form to get the better of me.

Whatā€™s your point, and or target audience here?

Youā€™re too stupid to get the point. You can never see the bigger picture.