Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You’re the most myopic poster on the forum.

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I think the content of the post speaks for itself, don’t you?

Get off Twitter

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More stock phrases.

Framing a coherent argument frightens you. If you ever muster the courage to try it sometime, I’ll be here to poke as many holes as you want in it.

Why do you allow how Covid fatalies are counted get you so irritated? Maybe spend some time getting a qualification that would help you get involved in counting them.Give us a shout when you’re filling out the application form and we’ll help you out.

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Because they give false information and this false information is used to make vital decisions. Any person with even a modicum of intelligence can understand how dangerous it is to make decisions off flawed information.

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Why don’t get the relevant qualification, apply for a job there and tell them how to do it rather than getting annoyed about it?

Anti-vaxxers exploiting an extremely sick man in no position to make his own decision for propaganda purposes. Vile is an understatement.

Really strange. Why is the psycho anti-vaxxer allowed in with him of he’s not family? Who’s videoing it and why? Mad breach of every privacy right. Sad stuff.

The ill man is Joe McCarron who is one of the Ben Gilroy “Direct Democracy Ireland” loons.

The Italian guy filming it is Antonio Mureddi who is obviously a mover in that same circle. The talk is that McCarron’s wife was present too.

It doesn’t matter how horrible a person McCarron is, he clearly needs medical attention and his “friend” is literally playing with his life.

It’s hard to put the insanity of it all into words.

That’s horrible to watch.

Anyone didn’t get Moderna will be dead by Christmas.

The UK might be a sticky situation with all the people they gave that pound shop AZ vaccine

What are ucd going to do about Dolores Cahill?

Why is he struggling to breathe and heading off to die at home? Shur it’s only a cod and an auld flu?


Christ that’s heartbreaking, Joe is a weak idiot, yer man is evil.

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If Joe wasn’t carrying 10 extra stone he’d be grand

Joe needs to work on his 5k

Great acting, the usual apes lapping it up


Heartbreaking for some lads.