Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Anti-vaxxers literally filmed it themselves as propaganda for their “cause”, you twat.

The “cause” that has that mother and daughter up North dead, side by side.

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Is the journal good enough for you?

It was typical anti-science nonsense from Rogan to survive

It’s the ultimate Internet win.

ill raise you Az vaccine no.1
It was like Fact1 from Carl Cox @Tassotti , an absolute belter of a vaccine that set the tone and raised the bar for future immunuisation
This yoke was tested on fucking chimpanzees in Zaire or somewhere, it floored the absolute fuck out of me easter bank holiday weekend, ill never ever get a cold again id say after it - unreal


This article by immunologist Andrew Croxford is well worth reading. In short, the arguments presented by the anti-vaxxers and pretend reasonable vaccine “sceptics” are all bollocks.

The father raised it as an example tbf, don’t have as much of an issue when the family talk about it.

Which example?

There’s countless links posted on here with glee whenever one is reported.

75% of those deaths were staged.

They all occurred at the beginning of the year when nobody was vaccinated. Ipso facto

The article posted was an interview with the father.

There are 4 kids without a mother and grandmother because they listened to bullshit from people with no expertise or experience who said Covid is a cod and the vaccine was dangerous. Their father is saying to ignore the bullshitters and listen to the experts. Are you angry with the dad left behind or the peope who interviewed him to air his point of view?


Why are you taking glee from 4 kids being without a mother?

How about you show some respect?

The vaccine works. Take it and get on with your life

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You’re fuming with a man who has just lost the mother of his 4 kids. You’re a headbanger.


These anti Vax head bangers were making fun of a lady who died a few weeks back also… They’re sick bastards.


The problem is we have taken it yet we are still threatened with lockdowns. I’m fine if people believe the vaccine doesn’t work or makes you impotent. It’s your choice not to get it but don’t come crying of you get sick. You know the risks.

I’m not the one gleefully posting up articles about unvaccinated people dying.

Mike is trying to save your life.

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