Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Because we still have a global pandemic that will take years to clean up, if we ever clean it up, and throwing thousands of people under the bus, many millions worldwide, is not an option.

People have a right to believe disinformation. They donā€™t have a right not to be told they believe absolute bollocks.

That isnā€™t how healthcare works and nor should it ever work like that.

The point is that those who refuse vaccines are giving a two fingers to everybody else in society. They are increasing the chances not only of their own premature death and serious illness but increasing the chances of disrupting the health service to the point where others cannot access the treatments and care they need.

And all because they believe in absolute bollocks.

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Who is threatening you with lockdown?

Iā€™m fine. I donā€™t need a vaccine, we win All Ireland after getting Covid.

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Global pandemic? Have you been outside the country or spoken with the outside world. We are an outlier, its endemic we need to move on.

There are plenty of people telling people the misinformation they believe is bollocks. They still donā€™t want to listen. At this stage leave them off. There is no other excuse to not get vaccinated other than ignorance. Leave them live with the risk. Donā€™t punish the rest of us because of this. If they get sick treat them same as every other disease. Same as mumps measles etc. Donā€™t start with the protect our health system BS. We know it was a basket case for years.

I donā€™t believe we should waste energy on telling these ignorant people that what they believe is bollocks. I think Christianity is bollocks but I know thereā€™s no point in telling church goers that.

Dr Tony. He said it Tuesday and slightly backtracked yesterday. @Thomas_Brady called it weeks ago. We will be locked down again

Sid is one of the biggest proponents of disinformation. He engages on it regularly with regard to this subject.

Just give him a wide berth.

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OK, apparently weā€™re not in a global pandemic, then.

Nobody is dying, itā€™s all made up.

He said restrictions couldnā€™t be ruled out in the future (now in fairness I only saw the headline). That seems obvious, doesnā€™t it?

Be a bit stupid to make categorical statements about what will or wonā€™t happen in the future, right?

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People die of various illnesses everyday. We have a new one and a vaccine to greatly reduce the risk. We canā€™t live under the bed.

I saw it in Spain they couldnā€™t give a toss. Iā€™ve spoken to people who have been to the uk and various parts of Europe and they tell you the same. Every 2 metres here there is a yellow sign. Time to move on

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What does restrictions mean? We know what heā€™s saying. Fuck him. Full OIUTF should have happened months ago in line with the rest of the world.

Oh calm yourself down for gods sake.

No use arguing with a Kango.

Works that way too.

ā€œObesity spreads through the air.ā€

Nobody said it does. But all you said above works for obesity. They put a strain on the health system due to their conscious actions.


And smokers.

And alcohol abusers.

And people who take recreational drugs.


Your ā€œIā€™m alright Jackā€ attitude is all good and well but this woman has left 4 kids behind. This poor woman listened to idiot anti vaxxers and put the elderly people she cared for at risk, her own health at risk and now she and her mother are gone, leaving 4 litte kids without a mother and grandmmother. And here you are, fuming with the dad for highlighting the nonsense peope like you spout.


That obesity spreads through the air is the obvious implication.

There has never been an outbreak of people who catch other peopleā€™s obesity through the air in hospital and die as a result.

There has never been a pandemic of obesity which onsets with sudden, exponential and devastating force.

There has never been a sudden mass outbreak of obesity which leaves staff drained and devastated.

The health service is there to treat the sick.

When those in the health service tell you things, you should listen.

Why are you using 4 motherless children to score points on the internet?

Itā€™s very cynical.

I travelled through 4 European countries last week. I wouldnā€™t think we are an outlier at all.