Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

See on your way home from work today - buy a mirror.

I’m not intolerant.

I operate a very open mind on vaccines. I think people should get them if they want, I think it’s the smart thing to do if you’re elderly, have an underlying health condition or are obese.

If you’re u40, fit and healthy and have no underlying health conditions, I fail to see the upside in getting one.

I don’t want to force my view on anyone, I wish that people would be allowed to make informed decisions and have that respected.

You are the other hand are one of those zealots who wants to shame, coerce and ostracise those who hold a different viewpoint and are perfectly willing to misrepresent and label people who hold an opposing viewpoint.

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Great news. The local school has been decimated numberswise of late. Few cases spread over the school and half the kids are close contacts. We’ve had our pair out most of the week.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy makes a very fair point here @TheBlackSpot

Sounds awful, how many were killed?


A few unfortunately. Mainly due to parents trying have them home again for 10 days while trying to work.

I wouldn’t disagree. Some explanation for the delay should be forthcoming.

Would you say it’s fairly typical?

In our school they told the unvaccinated kids to fuck off home for ten days and continued classes with the vaccinated elite.


What age are they vaccinating kids from? Its 12 up here. Mine are primary school

Off you go again. Ranting and raving. Calm down and stop mislabelling people who disagree with you.

The upside in getting vaccinated for healthy, fit, u40 people is a societal one, mostly. As you are well aware there have been cases of people in that category getting very ill and dying. In general, those people will not suffer greatly if they contract Covid but the advantage is to their community. Vaccination lessens any illness and also reduces the transmissability so vaccination is the reponsible, thing to do IF you have any respect for your fellow human beings. Something I fear you severely lack.

The two ladies who died recently, mother and daughter, were both domicillary care workers. That is, they were delivering care to mostly elderly, vulnerable, people in their homes. I am of the opinion that it would have been the responsible thing for them to do to be vaccinated. Unfortunately they weren’t.
I think that this week is the deadline for care workers to be mandatorially vaccinated in England. If they refuse without medical exemption they lose their jobs. That’s tough but I think the right course of action.


I simply don’t know the answer to that. Do you?

12 up

I’d say you’ve a fair idea

Really? Why would you think that?

But here’s a thing. It seems to me that the stories reported of unvaccinated people dying are often being brought to the media by relatives and friends of those who died.
I’d suspect that if people were dying as a result of vaccination their relatives and friends would be taking the story to the press. There doesn’t seem to be those revelations. I may of course be wrong in this and have just missed the plethora of such stories or maybe the media are suppressing these stories. I don’t believe in the suppression so I’m left with either I’ve missed these stories or they don’t exist.

That’s funny. You were happy enough for them to care for the sick and infirm all the way through the pandemic without a vaccine, but now you’ve decided to sack them if they make a decision you don’t like.


I don’t think there are a 'plethora of such stories, but I think you’d be very naive to think the media, department of health etc are reporting deaths or side effects to the same extent as they’re reporting deaths loosely associated with covid.


It’s not the fact that I don’t like the decision. I think I explained the reasons above. But if you prefer to go down the ad hominem route, fill your boots.
I think you must have realised by now that your opposition to just about any measure proposed by people who have worked in this field in favour of crackpot\quackery is simply wrong.


I referenced mandatory vaccination for care workers above saying it was being introduced in England. I may have got that wrong and confused with this

Vaccination for care workers in England IS mandatory

Tour de Force from @TheBlackSpot today :clap::clap: