Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

This doesn’t make sense. Besides I’ve opposed some proposals, supported others and made some of my own

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Maybe I’ve got it all wrong. My general impression over the last close to 18 months is of your scepticism to the generally accepted measures.
Masks\Social distancing\Lockdown\Vaccinations None of these are fail proof individually but taken altogether I think they have proven to be reasonably effective. That is not to say that it’s all over. It’s not - by a long shot.

Masks are silly, social distancing has been ignored and is largely pointless indoors while being completely pointless outdoors. Lockdowns have probably been counterproductive but there’s certainly merit in cancelling many large indoor gatherings. Vaccinations are a no-brainer for the vulnerable but it’s ridiculousto give them to children. Schools should never have been closed. Vitamin d distribution/recommendation was an obvious measure which has been criminally ignored. The vulnerable should have been protected and provided for. Governments shouldn’t have relied on promoting fear…look what it’s done to dome lads here.
I make no apologies for having more sense and decency than many of our leaders
And ivermectin of course. If you look beyond Tony, Robin etc you’ll see…you’re allowed to, I won’t call you a trump supporter


I rest my case. Thank you.

By the way, on the subject of schools, I hear that the rules on dealing with pupils who contract Covid have changed. The affected pupil will have to isolate but his\her classmates are not to be informed. The definition of close contact has been revised to intimate contact. It seemms herd immunity may be back on the agenda.

Well we’ve had herd mentality from the start…

10 fold higher antibody levels after the 3rd booster shot says Luke :grinning:

“It looks like this will become a three shot vaccine”


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You’re an awful stupid cunt.

Who gives a fuck as long as it works.

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100% mate, I’m just calling out the constant moving of goalposts.

I know you don’t like referring to Israel. But they’re seeing breakthrough cases on the 3rd jab now too.

On to the 4th booster I suppose.

Edit, adding a link -


What’s your issue with boosters if they stop people dying and stop us from going back into lockdown? Do you think it’s all going to magically just go away?


I’ve no issue with them mate. I would prefer if the vaccines actually stopped transmission and provided immunity though.

Its clear they don’t which is disappointing and from news coming from Israel the 3rd booster wont do so either unfortunately.

What is the definition of insanity again…doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

That Pfizer stuff must be awful muck


There’s a yearly flu vaccine. Nothing new in any of this. Short of predicting the future some will never be happy. The vaccine is the best defence against the virus. To be anti vaxx… well you can read between the lines.


It does cut transmission.

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I’m not anti vaxx at all pal. I’m hesistant about these covid jabs as they don’t provide immunity or stop transmission.

I havent ever taken the flu jab for similar reasons. Covid isnt going to make me very sick anyway by the law of averages.

If I was sick I would isolate, truth is I havent had as much as a sniffle in 19 months. Long may that continue and maybe the 4th booster will work for the elderly and vulnerable.

The vaccines do prevent transmission and serious illness. Not 100% but does that mean they shouldn’t bother then?


We’ve a bit to go before that can be fully confirmed, mate.

I’d rather see how this autumn/winter season goes first before believing any of that.

You’re an ill-mannered nobody with neither brains nor breeding. You were making a big deal out of having me on ignore. Please feel free to carry on as before.


You made a statement saying it doesn’t stop it, factually it cuts down on transmission. Not even the most negative vaccine update has suggested it doesn’t.