Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Thatā€™s a really awful comment, is that what itā€™s come to?


And may I just note that the rest of them are absolutely fine with that sort of comment.

Iā€™d probably respect the lads who make such comments more than the lads who just remain silent about them and silently clap away to themselves.

The boy who cried wolf.

A well known fantasy NFL guy called Mike Tagliere has passed away, supposedly from Covid, though Iā€™m not sure what that means

He was the main man on Fantasypros

Was he obese?

Whats your intention with that post pal?

I donā€™t get it. Iā€™m not into NFL. Was he fully vaccinated?

Is there something groundbreaking there with him that weā€™re all missing?

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@backinatracksuit is a gaslighter extreme. Has his false nice guy act is not very convincing.

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I always had him pegged as a nice guy. His posting style lately has muddied the waters for me a bit though.

There was no grand plan, a lot of people are into NFL and this guy had some sort of celebrity attached to him, he hosted a very popular podcast.
I donā€™t actually know of any other ā€˜celebsā€™ that have passed away from Covid, and Iā€™m not sure if there were other complications,
But TFK is a fantasy NFL forum and I felt it appropriate.
OK with you??

You really are a pathetic little man.

Just thought it was odd to put that out there.

Iā€™ve never heard of the guy. Was he fully vaccinated? Had he any underlying illnesses? I donā€™t get the need to just drop that casually in.

Maybe, Iā€™m taking you up wrong.

Tell him youā€™re sorry for his loss there again, for the hundredth time. Good lad.


A lot of people looking to weaponise deaths in order to censor discussion.

I had an uncle pass away around this time last year with cancer. He was 77 and was diagnosed only a few months before, would have been picked up sooner only for the restrictions in place. He had a bad time of it health wise for probably the last 10 years, had cancer prior to that which he had got through but he came through it. You get old in life and these things happen, my folks are still alive thankfully and in decent health. Iā€™m grateful for that but they are entering their mid 70s now so nothing is taken for granted and every day of good health is a blessing. But when they hit that age thereā€™s an eventuality about it and you begin to see them grow old overnight.

Lots of lads on here regularly posting up articles of people dying to score points on here re people not choosing to get vaccinated. We see it routinely and the same grief junkies who use deaths to score points on here then try and weaponise deaths when they donā€™t like the discussion. Thatā€™s sad, posting the absolute hate and poison that chap has on here over recent months and then trying to claim a monopoly on grief when he is losing an argument on the internet is truly as crass as it gets.


Interesting listening to a few experts on the situation in the USA. Seems the politicising of the vaccine by the extreme left is one of the biggest reasons for the lack of an uptake in many areas of America.

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I agree and believe they are doing more harm than good by shouting down and shaming people. Instead they just need to lay out the facts of the vaccine, show why the disinformation is wrong without politising everything. The facts are the vaccine benefits vastly outweighs the possible risks.

This issue is not confined to covid. We see it in climate change, social change, housing (a worldwide issue) and income inequality. All areas they are driving reasonable minded people to the other extreme when an adult conversation can be used to outline why things are important. I got sour watching the news last night on the school children protesting climate change. A massive issue I feel strongly about but knew those of us who want serious change and are informed as to what that is are on the back foot when you see the heads at the protest


The Dems will walk next election because all the republicans will be dead

The reality is Trump tried to politicise the vaccine by rushing it through before the election without the proper safety protocols.

A vaccine should not be political. Republicans and the right-wing disinformation machine worldwide have made it so, and theyā€™re only harming themselves by doing so.

That ideology is no more complicated than ā€œBiden says take the vaccine, so no fucking way are we taking the vaccineā€.

The spread of these disinformation merchants is very reminiscent of how the Saudis spread Salalfism and Wahabbism worldwide through madrassas etc.

In reality vaccine mandates have been implemented throughout US history, including by the deified ā€œfounding fathersā€ they claim to idolise.

Because they only do it so they can smugly and condescendingly sneer at others. Certainly not out of any real concern. Look at the climate change mouthpieces on here.

A great example in US politics. Pay attention to Bernie Sanders v the squad. Sanders knows if you are going to help people you have to have everyone including the power brokers buy into it so he stays positive and offers and acts on real suggestions. The squad are far more concerned with shrieking at others and ā€˜winningā€™ social media battles to the acclaim of their echo chamber.

But whoā€™s the businessmen and the democratic party terrified of, and whoā€™s a harmless divisive distraction to help keep the status quo in place.


In reality what you describe is the politics of hurt feelings.

The rationale is ā€œMy ego is so fragile that I take anything that challenges my wrong beliefs as an insult, and therefore I will gravitate towards far right ideology as a reflex reaction.ā€

What you are practicing and what right-wing politics practices is an extreme form of political correctness. You believe that any challenge to your ideas, no matter how empathetic or respectful, is a mortal attack.

Look mate as Iā€™ve said to you previously nor everything is left or right wing. My point is stop making it a left/right issue either. Have a conversation on what has to change and why not shout others into submission. The ā€œleftsā€ approach to covid has giving the far right elements petrol for their fire. If ypu donā€™t agree with me that we need to remove politics from major issues and thus removing that extreme element than donā€™t engage with me on them. Majority of people here are middle ground and may sway either side on certain topics. The ignore button is also an option of you think Iā€™m right wing.