Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


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What a debacle

RTE news : All states removed from Mandatory Hotel Quarantine list


But the delta variant is still a threat

Thank god we kept out those variants eh?

What a fucking sham, shit show, and disgrace.


Great to have that shambles out of my life


Give those bastards from Kyrgyzstan a rap in the knuckles when they wander in

In years to come that mandatory hotel quarantine system will come to represent one of the most badly handled aspects of the pandemic. Rushed legislation with no real thought put into it. Just had to be seen to do something.

At the outset they caged in full vaccinated people, to stop them attending the funeral of their parents or visiting those near end of life. Mind boggling.


OK. But I had to bury my father because selfish cunts like you demanded pints.

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Almost like thereā€™s a distinct trend.

Well look what we have here. Another bullshit pre-print which made bullshit claims is withdrawn.

But that wonā€™t stop it being cited widely by anti-vaxx propagandists.

You are probably still grieving so Iā€™m not engaging with you further. Hysterical comments like this do nothing to further your argument.

I am sorry for your loss.


Donā€™t ever fucking insult me again by calling me ā€œhystericalā€.

People like you are lowdown scumbags.

Better off not to engage here at all.


Here comes the entirely predictable meltdown.

Admins, get on top of this early please.


Heā€™s a FG hasbara whiney fuck, prob made up his fatherā€™s death to score an argumentative point

Iā€™ll just leave that one there for posterity.

Fuck up about your father you painful cunt, youā€™re nearly 40 for fuck sake. Thereā€™s probably lads here who lost a parent in their teens or younger. Constantly using him as a prop for your fucked up world view is tiresome at this stage.

Another one Iā€™ll just leave there for posterity.

Thereā€™s a post here goading another poster about his wifeā€™s cancer blended in with an allegation of rape that is left here for posterity.

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