Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You are a bigger fool for replying

But yet you can’t pick out a single thing wrong in it.

You just dismiss it.

This is the exact thing you claim to abhor.

And the exact thing you are wholly in favour of.

A fetid, stinking echo chamber of alternate reality.

Thanks for the concern trolling. Concern trolling is a well worn tactic of right wingers when they get their arse handed to them. I hope you have a big plate, because you’re one hell of a big ass.

So much hate, get well soon mate.

Weaker than watered down Coors Light.

I really can’t understand why you bother engaging with that loon. Or anyone else on here for that matter. The ignore function is a wonderful thing.

You’re another echo chamber fantasist. An absolute stones of a man. I had PMs from other posters years ago warning of your antics too. A snivelling little shit.

The reply of an alternate reality dwelling fantasist.

Let me remind you that you are the poster that spouts the exact same rhetoric Anders Behring Breivik did.

I see you didn’t have a think about that when you were told to do so the other night.

I wonder why.

Echo chambers and all that.

Another 1k plus daily cases which seems to have become standard. Surely we are getting to the point that herd immunity is nearly here between vaccines and natural immunity?

They are throwing their hat at it shortly, even Tony isn’t arsed with the testing and tracing anymore

There was one fine handed out for not complying with covid guidelines in the month of August.

1 * €80 fine for not wearing a mask when required.

13 fines were handed out in July and 70 were handed out in June.

Add Covid compliance officers to the long long list of Civil Servants doing sweet fuck all

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At least they’re not complying

Leo, Leo, Leo

Tickets still available for the nightclub pilot event on Thursday night. Capacity set at 450.

Considering restrictions are gonna significantly reduced in 3 weeks, is it not pretty much a waste of time?

You have to believe we’re going back into a lockdown again in a few weeks. Once you’re in that frame of mind, you’ll be grand.

How are these things not selling out in jig time?

Nightclubs are finished now with the popularity of dating apps

Ah you dunno what kind of lunatic you’d meet on the tinternet. At least in a nightclub you can see what she’s like tanked up