Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Boom, oooft, mic drop etc


What a wonderful brave young man. Anyone disparaging Jonathan Isaac should simply go fuck themselves. A young healthy fit man who has had Covid has at least the same level of antibodies as someone vaccinated and most likely has broader and stronger immunity. He is far less likely to get infected or spread Covid than some vaccinated fat cunt watching the game in the arena.


Interesting to see how this plays out

Yes it will be interesting to see how many privileged white men working from home come out and condemn the young black men. My money is on not too many.


Fairplay to him :clap:

Very well said too.

I canā€™t understand why there isnā€™t a greater demand to solve this?

Itā€™s very simple to solve, whether itā€™s professional sports or the general public. Anyone who has antibodies from a prior infection should be treated the same as someone vaccinated.

I meant more about the origins.

Sorry my mistake. So it was not allowed to be looked at last year because Trump said it, and there has been a huge campaign by research virologists who work in that field to label lab leak as a conspiracy theory. It will be interesting to see who is on the 20 member team, hopefully scientists with no vested interest.

Iā€™d say you could put your house on nothing being conclusively determined from that investigation anyway.

ā€œA previous WHO team were unable to reach a conclusionā€ :grinning:

Really sticking it to the vaccine fascists like @glasagusban, @the_man_himself and @mikehunt


Iā€™m sure China will be transparent as always

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The previous WHO team was led by a scientist chosen by China who didnā€™t want to investigate the Wuhan lab.

I wouldnā€™t be too sure this time of outcome. There is a lot of circumstantial and genetic evidence without having to get at lab data which obviously China will never provide. If the team are truly neutral I would at least expect a finding based on statistical likelihood of the various possibilities.

I donā€™t think anything was maliciously leaked from a lab in Wuhan anyway to be honest. I donā€™t think that was what happened at all.

I wouldnt rule out the WHO repeating themselves with an inconclusive finding though. Useless cunts.

Fauci should be put before a judge, heā€™s behind it all


Kyrie thinks the earth is flat

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He said the basketball court is his whole world and subsequently had it checked by the NBA statuary department of weights, measures and flatness. I can see how this was an easy mistake for you to make


Man goes to doctor?

Ground breaking stuff, those canny right wingers eh, doing dastardly right wing stuff.