Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Are you suffering from long Covid?, brain fog is a common symptom.

I love when this fuckwit has one of his meltdowns, very entertaining it’s like watching a classic episode of Bottom or The baldy man.

Learn to love yourselves lads.

Tbh I didn’t even read the article, having being alerted to the quality of the paper by their recent dissembling regarding the hospital in America…I just asked a conflagatory and slightly ironic question. I think starting with “shur” is an established tfk way to alert other posters to the fact that you’re being half serious, wumming etc?

We will leave it at that, quite amicably, since I like you.

Sure and all else, and god between us and all harm, being ill bred is the ultimate form of brain fog.

Long genetics, so to speak.

What an impressive young man, who I think speaks for us all.

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Except for “liberal” morons who can’t explain why he is wrong.


No mention in that piece of the actual reward though.

‘They want to get rid of me, Father…’

Here you have a ladeen who thinks because he spends countless hours hoovering up ‘scientific’ articles, because he is slow in the ways that really count, he actually knows stuff – and can go blowing about stuff on Dah Internet.

You can only ever actually know anything in a significant sense, above other people, if you are exceptionally quick. Not many people are exceptionally quick.

I understood, last year, the dynamics of this pandemic, once a bit of thought was took. All was new and frightening but everyone – at least, everyone capable of doing so – had to think. Thinking is an amazing yoke, like a blade. You can do so much with a blade.

While I have the genetic luck to be exceptionally sharp, the matter, au fond, is not that difficult. The attendant issues involved are ferociously complex but getting to the nub of practice is not boggling. Core: there is no sense, practically or morally, in which this virus can be allowed to sluice through society, leading to the sunlit uplands of ‘herd immunity’, ‘natural immunity’, whatever loon shibboleth. Current loon idea that some kind of general (pre Covid-19) immunity to coronavirus is now the answer? Last gasp of drowning ideologues.

Anyone with a titter of comprehension grasped this truth 15 months ago. Yet many, due to flitters of toxic right wing ideology, could not grasp this truth – or did do, secretly, but could not use that recognition to rasp the blade, due to personality alibi mania and/or stupidity simpliciter.

All the footling talk since that juncture – by Jonathan Isaac, by anyone else, by whomever of whatever racial background – compounds the same error. Here is the truth: infection rate – rather than serious illness/death rate – is the motor for normal societal exchange. Some people here, as elsewhere, are too stupid to grasp this reality. Some people here, as elsewhere, are too ideological. Same difference.

Vaccination in 2021 allowed mitigation of 2021’s infection rates. This option did not exist in 2020 for 2020 infection rates. Simple as. Vaccination allows societal exchange at an overall infection rate – irrespective of variants and breakthrough infections and all the rest – otherwise impossible.

Vaccination is the only game in town, any way you dice it.

An ill bred article-hoovering moron from Connacht rushes never grasped these points – and still cannot.

Watch a film lads, covid is over.


A pile of absolute scutter. You are not worth responding to as the gap between your child like understanding and scientific reality is too wide to cross, and frankly I couldn’t be arsed with someone who has no interest in learning. If you actually want to help society and reduce Covid infections and transmission then lose some of the lard off your fat ass.

What kind of absolute tool uses “au fond” in a sentence?

For those who are interested in learning and have the required level of intelligence to see through utter bullshit.

Jonathan Isaac is 23 and a professional athlete. During the entire duration of the pandemic in the US, a country of 330 million people, there have been a total of 1,372 deaths in the 15-24 age bracket, and that includes everyone who has existing health issues. More people in that age bracket die each year of non Covid pneumonia.

Besides the fact that Johathan Isaac is a young athlete, he also has had Covid, which means his chances of getting re infected or transmitting Covid are vanishingly small, much smaller than an older vaccinated person. The most credible study done on a vaccinated and unvaccinated population exposed to the Delta variant concluded that people with acquired immunity from a prior infection had a far less chance of breakthrough infection or symptomatic Covid than those vaccinated, by a factor of 6X and 7X respectively. In other words it isn’t even close.

Whenever you hear someone disparage natural immunity you need to slot them into the loon category. Natural or innate immunity is the reason 99% of people in the 0 - 65 age bracket fight off Covid and are not hospitalized. Your immune system has evolved over millions of years and is primed to fight all kinds of pathogens, including new pathogens. The vast majority of people who are hospitalized or die from Covid have compromised immune systems, either from obesity, illness or old age.

Fundamentally what is happening here is “liberals” have decided that those who are vaccine hesitant are stupid and ignorant, based on their own stupidity, ignorance and scientific illiteracy. In the US it’s also an incredibly racist position, given that only 28% of black New Yorkers in the 18-44 age bracket are fully vaccinated. They must be all Trump supporters.


Fuck off, prickeen.

If ignorance was a dog, you would make a billionaire of anyone with shares in a corporation selling pooper scoopers.



You’ve been smacked down many, many times on your imbecilic, masquerading as insightful proposition that the infection rate is the only rate that matters in societal functioning. You’re beyond thick and help if you’re still clinging to the mantra.

A clown, a fat clown for all to see.

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I win, aloft.

Camel urine for the runners up.

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He’s in the foothills of psychosis.

Also the use of italics is a tell of another poster. Are they one and the same.