Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Ladeen, christ who actually writes this tosh. Weā€™ve been here before, you write and sound like an absolute numpty. Itā€™s read through your fingers cringeworthy. Youā€™re a sad, sad, middle aged, angry man.

Imagine in this day and age a middle aged man lying on the internet about sleeping with a thousand women, claiming heā€™s a tough guy, meet me in ballinashithole for a scrap and I can get your number with one phonecall AND Iā€™m a genius donā€™t you know!

Itā€™s really sad, desperate, pathetic behavior. Youā€™ve actually done this, here.

Go on, reply with some obscure reference and throw in kango and bluebottles, @carryharry might give you a little pat on the head.

A life less lived.

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What a vindication for me

Shur the guardian said a hospital was overrun with lads roaring in horsepaste induced agony. The said hospital then said they hadnā€™t treated anyone with any such ailment and the source cited by the paper hadnā€™t worked there in ages.
The guardian isnā€™t the paper it once was

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I really must be a fair sort of a geniusā€¦

Tis all so very very funny. I have done to this ladeen what Elon Musk is hoping to do to Mars.

Is he Denny or Glensallagh?

You do not cut down a tree because there are wasps around its fruit

What is it that the young black man said that was bullshine in your opinion? What he said is backed up by science. Whether immunity from Covid is stronger from prior infection or from a vaccine is up in the air, as there are studies that claim prior infection (Israel) and studies that claim vaccination (Kentucky). To understand this issue you would need to understand the difference between immunity granted from prior infection versus immunity granted from a vaccine, and the difference between the Delta variant and prior variants. Clearly you are unable to do this as you have zero understanding of the science involved, and you are too egotistical to learn from someone who does.

The reason you are a racist in this instance is you are calling out a black man as inferior to you intellectually, when you are the moron who thinks that those who are vaccinated cannot get infected with Covid or transmit Covid. Jonathan Isaac has outlined his position very articulately, strangely enough something you are unable to do even though supposedly you studied English.

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I had long flu back before it became fashionable.

ā€œthe young black manā€

Winner winner, chicken dinnerā€¦

The stupidest ever post on TFK. Some gong to get.

What is the significance, in this context, of his age? Or of his race?

Translation: ā€˜You are so galactically more intelligent than me, and you have destroyed me on here so often, I am reduced to calling you a racist. I actually think you are a god like genius. Please ā€“ simperā€¦ ā€“ give me a little bit of attention.ā€™

This ladeen truly is off the charts stupid as well as off the charts sociopathic and vulgarā€¦

Could anyone tell us the significance of the background of someone saying ā€˜2 + 2 = 4+ā€™? And whether, if that person is Vietnamese, disagreement with them presupposes racism against Asians?

Ah lordyā€¦

I love inducing this sort of meltdown. Lays bare the rubber ducky in a ladā€™s head.

Tis very very funny to have a ladeen who reckons Ivermectin is a thing going on about different types of immunities and infections.

There you go again. You are unable to debate so constantly revert to personal abuse. You really should fuck off out of here or at least limit your contributions to hurling as you add nothing to the conversation.

Iā€™ll ask you again. Why is Jonathan Isaac wrong in what he said? You called it bullshine, even though you are the one talking through your arse.

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Oh dear

They published lies, lies which they would have gotten away with were it not for the hospital alerting us to the truth. They did so for deeply suspicious reasons, seeking to spread misinformation, mislead the public, discredit doctors and bury news of an effective treatment.
Some effin tree

I believe theyā€™ve been exposed elsewhere?

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You might not like the reality ā€“ and the inconvenience, ideologically ā€“ of long Covid. But so it is and so it goes.

Vaccination is the only game in town.

Hold up, arenā€™t you reposting shite off Twitter on a daily basis here? :grin:

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Why did they publish a blatantly false article?

Because they need to sell narratives to morons.

And ā€“ even taking you at that description, which I do not ā€“ what about the piece I most recently posted? Can you contradict it?

And yet you think Ivor Cummins is a credible authorityā€¦? Come onā€¦

Why not admit you have been wrong all along on this subject? No shame in that reality, in my view. We all get stuff wrong and you are a decent person rather than a loon.

Lads often post stuff from twitter in most threads, thereā€™s even s dedicated thread for items that are quintessentially twitteresque.
I donā€™t think anyone does so in an attempt to further your education or enlighten you in any way. Your critical faculties will remain sound,intact and adequate for your needs

Youā€™re a gas ticket

Youā€™re a top top poster, and if youā€™re not you should be

I like to Internet

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