Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

New study from the UK.

Good news for the pro-vaxers

Bad news for the “children are stealth bombers” crew


mortio for @fulvio

You have ideology-driven loons – and one in particular – trying to advance Jonathan Isaac as some sort of paradigm for dealing with this pandemic. Translation: no one should get vaccinated and everyone should get the virus, so as to acquire ‘natural immunity’.

Beyond all the huffing and the guffing, this scenario is the one being recommended, yet again. And the same old kango-headed mantra is trotted out: ‘Death rate is minimal for most people.’ The sheer stupidity involved in holding that this facet is the kernel of a Covid-19 pandemic continues to boggle me. How can so many people be so stupid as to believe such a nonsensically narrow perspective? Here is why I think a ‘video game’ mentality is at play.

Of course, egomania is the driving force with some of them. And some people simply cannot bear to move outside the boxes constructed by right wing shibboleths about state action and state power. To a large degree, you are talking about childishness. Most right wing people are highly childish, valuing impatience, wanting quick simple solutions to complex problems. My own sense of personal autonomy and liberty is not eroded by having, on occasion, to wear a mask. What sort of a fool do you have to be to take advice from Ivor Cummins, Laurence Fox, Toby Young et al? If nothing else, it is a question of taste. What sensible person takes advice from hucksters and vulgarians? Then again, most right wing people are highly vulgar, obsessed with status and possessions.

As has been pointed out countless times here, the path to their scenario would deliver society into chaos. This path would also entail the needless serious illness and the needless death of a great many people. These aspects are glossed over by the loons with guff about the GBD and ‘protecting the vulnerable’ (which has been shown to be impossible without vaccination). One particular loon was shocked, because he is too dim to grasp the linkage himself, when I pointed out that vaccination – namely, sharing risk – is in line with core GBD ‘principles’.

Their egos are so reality proof that they cannot absorb the lesson that no government pursued the path they claim to prefer. This reality abrades them. So you have a continual bitchfest. And so they now have to ‘go after’ vaccination, because vaccination rather than loon tune shibboleths has allowed society to reopen in large degree.

I can go and have a drink last night. Had I wanted, I could have taken up an invitation to go in and see the second half of a gig at the back. I could travel last week, for work, to meet a group of elderly people. I am going to England next week to meet friends. All of these freedoms are only possible because of vaccination. These loons want us instead to be in chaos – in mortal chaos, for many people. Whatever Irish politicians’ failings, and this category is a large one, I am glad they are in charge and not the loons who think Laurence Fox is a great fella.


Lovely, the doomsdayers won’t be happy.

A healthy balance with Pharma companies is required. Of course they are going to want to sell more, that’s why we need regulators to scrutinise them. I have always been wary of Israel because they are the lab country for Pfizer.

The biggest issue with “boosters for all” right now is that so many countries still don’t have enough vaccines for one shot. There’s been some healthy pushback from regulators on the need for boosters, nothing wrong with that.

My older lad was wiped out from second vaccine Pfizer for two days. Off school. Temperature, aches pains.

Younger lad is off to Shamrock Rovers now for a Covid test. Has a barking cough.

I’d say we’ll be in for an interesting cold and flu season this year.

Having been so wrong so often you’d think the penny would eventually drop.

Ego and stupidity is a potent mix.

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Still lying about what the black man said, how pathetic.

A lad who boasted of riding 1,000 woman being offended at ego.

A herd of psychologists wouldn’t sort him out.

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Not sure if social distancing is a rule or people are just afraid to go near each other (yet)

Reminds me of my first junior disco when I was 12, with a scatter of parents each side of the dance floor.

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Inbetweeners Dancing GIF

Getting going now

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Looks one of those group warm ups before a fun run

What is the point of a pilot event 3 weeks before they reopen anyway? It should have been something to organise for back in June

I was wondering the same but it came out today that antigen testing may still be required for nightclubs. (Which is in use at the pilot event)

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There’ll be lads pants destroyed from smuggling around butter to fool the tests

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Just when you think its all over they come up with more bullshit regarding antigen tests.

They really are some crowd of cunts.


This is a superb redding up



The vaccine fascists don’t like being shown up for the small minded little bigots they are.

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