Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Younger lad is positive for Covid. Heā€™s grand. Just a bit of a cough.

Finland are going vaccinating mink :smiley:

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Do ye all have to get tested now?

No. As rest of us are fully vaccinated we carry on as normal and donā€™t have to isolate or anything unless we get symptoms.

His brother was in worse condition after second Pfizer jab than younger lad is with Covid.


Very misleading reporting here again.

Of the 301 Covid-19 deaths notified between 1 April and 25 September, 50.8% were in people who were not vaccinated.

In 34.2% of cases, the person who died had been vaccinated 14 or more days before their death and are classified as vaccine breakthrough infections.

Of the 103 people who had been vaccinated and died, 64 or over 62% were reported to have an underlying medical condition.

Why donā€™t they break it down further by age profile or date range.

I donā€™t think over 70s would have hit the 2 weeks after 2nd jab until late May. So how many of these Covid deaths are related to them?

The age range of all those who died was 50 to 97 years.

So polish my balls and serve me a milkshake, there wasnā€™t an unvaccinated death in the u50 age range from April-June when most under 50s would not have have been 14 days after their vaccination? Most of the under 50 population would not have been vaccinated from April to the end of June.

Basically what can be concluded here is that old people died while positive with Covid.

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Youā€™re a nawful man. Unvaccinated Tyrone walking all over vaccinated kerry was all the proof we needed. You could have stopped there

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For what itā€™s worth got a date for the flu jab. Bill Gates has got into my brain.

Yeah science

Morto for ye

You literally canā€™t help yourself. :roll_eyes:

Best wishes to the young lad.

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Ireland: Best small country in the world for pandemics? (via @IrishTimes) Ireland: Best small country in the world for pandemics?


Although I did say to you way back that when all was said and done Ireland would have faired a lot better than most other countries and you dismissed it.


I recall you scoffing when myself and others were saying earlier in the pandemic that all countries donā€™t count Covid deaths in the same way when you used to be saying that Ireland were doing very badly relatively on Covid deaths.

From the article you linked

ā€œEven though WHO guidelines apply to all countries, there is reason to believe that Ireland has attributed more deaths to the disease, relative to the standards applied in other countries. Thatā€™s because the difference between reported Covid-19 deaths and excess deaths is greater in Ireland than in most other countries, including countries which had very few Covid-19 deaths and negative excess deaths.ā€


Did I? Sounds like a terrible faux pas on my behalf. I have no way of proving or disproving this interaction though, so weā€™ll just have to let your assertion stand I suppose.

We did do particularly poorly in the first wave. After that we maintained more restrictions for longer than the rest of Europe and consequently did better.

Based on what?

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Just telling the truth pal. His brother was laid low after vaccine.

The lad with Covid is asking can he stay up late tonight. Not a bother on him.

I genuinely think this will become an early childhood illness kids get like chicken pox

Numbers of people that died.

ā€œEven though WHO guidelines apply to all countries, there is reason to believe that Ireland has attributed more deaths to the disease, relative to the standards applied in other countries. Thatā€™s because the difference between reported Covid-19 deaths and excess deaths is greater in Ireland than in most other countries, including countries which had very few Covid-19 deaths and negative excess deaths.ā€

Weā€™re a year on from the first wave, our position has improved significantly over that length of time.

Ireland does not report excess deaths, itā€™s the only country in the EU not to do so. Excess deaths are estimated, who knows how accurate it is.

The primary reason for Irelandā€™s relatively low death rate is itā€™s young population, Ireland has the youngest population in the EU. You also had high emigration in the 40s and 50s, so a lot of Irish deaths were in the UK.